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"Poetically Pink"
21444 pts
20104 pts
12867 pts
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Unknown's tales
I come to this realization with friendship: Don't make someone a priority when they make you an option. - Unknown.
Unknown "Poetically Pink" Thirsty
- 16 years, 12 months, 3 days ago
I'm still recovering from my emergency surgery - I'm out of commission. It's hard for me to stay awake with all the pain pills I'm on currently. Thank you all for your love and support. Presents/comments and trips! I love you all! Such supportive pets and friends!
Unknown "Poetically Pink" Thirsty
- 17 years, 10 days ago
MIA Where have I been? I've had some recent health problems. I found out I have cervical cancer and I had to have cryo surgery done in hopes that all the cancer cells are removed so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Sorry I haven't responded to anyone and kind of disappeared, just difficult to be in "good spirits" Thank you everyone for all your kind wishes and presents!
Unknown "Poetically Pink" Thirsty
- 17 years, 24 days ago
I'm sorry I've been neglecting all of my human pets and pet friends. Thank you for all the presents and friendly petting sessions. I spend 18 hours a week at the college if not a little more and working at least 30 hours as a legal aid - so I'm quite the busy girl. If it takes me days to respond that is why! Please know I appreciate everyone's messages. Recently I found myself a female boi-toy that occupies most of my free time. *smerks* I heart submissive women. *puts hand over mouth* see, I've already said too much! I hope everyone has a great Monday.
Unknown "Poetically Pink" Thirsty
- 17 years, 2 months ago
I will graduate in August with an AA in Human Resource/Social Service Specialization and at that point I will find an entry job in social work (going out to houses and checking on children) or straight DCF paper work job (food stamps, financial help.) Ultimately I want to recieve my BA in Substance Abuse Counseling and work in a place like "The Centers" which is a mental health/addiction facility in Citrus/Marion County. I've been doing a lot of thinking lately and consulting a lot of my friends about the hypocracy of it all. I feel like a hypocrite. To be honest with others you first must be honest with yourself. I indulge in drugs randomly because they make me feel good and I use them as a coping mechanism. I'm not a drug addict but by definition I do abuse drugs on occassion and more occassions as of the past couple of months. I feel like a failure, how can I really help teenagers/children with drug problems when I, myself, on occassion use drugs as a coping mechanism. Well that stops now, with this New Year. I take all my hard work and current/future endeavors seriously. I know what I want in my life in my future and in order to get there I have to be honest with myself and make some positive changes in my life. I will no longer be around individuals who have narcotics or any illegal substances in their possession, car or home (if I happen to be in their car or home) I will no longer partake in activities of this kind. I don't even want to be around it because I do not need to get introuble (guilt by association) for decisions that anyone else makes in their life. I should only be accountable for my own decisions, period. Quite frankly not only has it lost it's "fun" but I don't feel the need to do those types of things anymore. In August I will continue until I recieve my BA in Substance Abuse Counseling. I am going to push for this semester to be able to enter Phi Beta Kappa which is a honor's society for the college. I'm excited about this New Year, New Semester and the positive changes I am making. With the New Year I feel a sense of relief. It feels like I've been holding my breath all this time and I've just exhaled.
Unknown "Poetically Pink" Thirsty
- 17 years, 2 months, 14 days ago
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