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Unknown's tales
Thumb me... i may like it ;)
Unknown "Mae'nierd" Cheeky - 16 years, 9 months, 23 days ago
Journey Of It

So these plants( for the sake of confusion lets call them It and Ivy) well they had been together for 2 years, 3 months, 12 weeks, 17 hours, and 4 mins to the dot. It had been doing all it could do for Ivy but it just seemed like it wasn't enough. It was becoming very confused with what was happening between them. It felt like they were becoming distant but didn't want to think that way. It brought all sorts of things for Ivy, even things that almost costing It it's life.. One day It awoke to see that Ivy was no longer there but had left a message saying " I have gone away, we aren't meant for each other, its just not working out any more" It didn't know what to do.
It chose to up-root and take another trip farther away from the lake. It got to what it seemed to be the end of the grass and the beginning of hard rock everywhere. It didn't know what to do. So It turned around and walked away. It knowing that there was no way it would survive out there in the hot sun on that rock so It chose to take a path in another direction. It made it to a river, quite shallow i might add and not very fast moving either. So It wondered across it. Soon enough It found another plant. But this plant was a lot bigger then It, and it had a massive top but not as big body. This plant was called Bruno. Bruno seemed to have fruit growing upon its self. It was amazed at how tall Bruno was. It stayed and talked to Bruno to only find out that Bruno already knew It's situation seeing how he watched the whole thing. Not with It feeling kinda embarrassed from this all It ran off away from Bruno.
It didn't know where it was running to but it was getting tired. It knew that it had to get over Ivy leaving it, but knowing this wasn't going to put the pain away. It chose a nice soft patch of grass to root into, where the ground seemed nice and moist. It stayed here for quite some time. Till one day....

To Be Continued...

By: Michael T. Gilbert
Unknown "Mae'nierd" Cheeky - 16 years, 11 months, 29 days ago
the Journey Of IT

One day, lets call it Wednesday, a plant had grew. Now this wasn't any ordinary plant, it was different, it had: arms, legs, a head and even eyes. after some time went by and it was able to up-root its self and travel a short distance before stopping to root once more. Each day it would make it just a little bit farther, till one day it found its self on the edge of a vast lake. Now this little plant didn't know how to over come this obstacle in its way, so it did what it had done the days before this... it rooted its self and waited.
Some time had past and the plant seemed to be getting bored. It decided to take a chance and go around the lake. Seven weeks, three days, and four hours later it had made it around. It was very proud of its self for making it to the other side, but once there it didn't know where to go. Should it go around the other way? Should it walk away from the lake? Or should it just go home? This was a tough choice it had to make. It knew if it made it home, it would wonder what was just over that hill. It thought to its self " Is the grass really greener on the other side?" So it went away from the lake to find this out for its self, and to its amazement... it was exactly the same. It traveled all the way over here to see that there was no difference? But how could that be? This place was so far away from home, how can it be the same? But then it saw something. At first it didn't know what it had seen. Then it had realized that it saw something that looked like its self... it stared down at the puddle and saw that there were a few differences but mainly the same with this mysterious thing.. "How?" It asked its self, "How?" So it rooted to save energy and waited for the next day to arrive.
The next day was upon it and to its amazement, the other thing was right beside it and sleeping. Now it had a chance to figure out what the other thing was. It up-rooted then walked around this new thing. There were so many similarities but yet it was so different. The plant poked the other one to wake it from its slumber to realize that it had been hurt. The plant knew exactly what to do. It grabbed one of its leaves and put it on the other and sealed it off with some goo. The other just looked in inquiry... they looked at each other for so long that the plant rooted its self once again.
Some time past. To be exact 4 years 3 months, 5 days, 6 hours and 24 mins. These two got so close in that time, they had found out a form of communication with each other and found out they needed each other very much, for the first plant seemed to give off spores.. and the second one seemed to bear fruit.. they found none of these fruits bared seeds though, but they were happy none the less...

To Be Continued..

By: Michael T. Gilbert
Unknown "Mae'nierd" Cheeky - 16 years, 11 months, 29 days ago
i'm just putting this up cuz i have a very expensive pet that i just need to but and im really really behind so if you would be so kind as to help me out
Unknown "Mae'nierd" Cheeky - 17 years, 6 days ago

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You Are Sexy You have been given You Are Sexy.
Crafted by Unknown
Unknown "Megeera" Loyal - 16 years, 10 days ago
Can't wait to see you..
You have been given i wish you were here.
Crafted by Katy-Lou
Unknown "Megeera" Loyal - 16 years, 29 days ago
Missing you more every day we're apart..
You have been given ღ Miss you ღ.
Crafted by Michelle
Unknown "Megeera" Loyal - 16 years, 3 months, 12 days ago
I miss you !
You have been given A Big Squeeze!!!.
Crafted by Loz
Unknown "Kels" Lonely - 16 years, 4 months, 1 day ago
Can't wait to see you again <3
You have been given True Love's Kiss.
Crafted by Unknown
Unknown "Megeera" Loyal - 16 years, 4 months, 1 day ago
Li sonai keio, mae'nierd.. Terea cali fei mae'kanei..

I miss you...
You have been given a promise of forever<3.
Crafted by Unknown
Unknown "Megeera" Loyal - 16 years, 4 months, 25 days ago
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