here's my advice for you: don't eat a panini sandwich an hour after you've gotten fillings....its very hard to do. just to clear my name, my cavities were in the same spot, and VERY minor, my dentist tells me. still, he managed to freeze half my face and it feels very weird. the feeling is SLOWLY coming back, i know this because my lips are tingly...but the rest is still frozen. boo on that. and to top it all off, i have a simple plan song stuck in my head. i hate simple whiny plan! boo boo and boo again. so, do i have a quote for you? lemme think. "P. Sherman...42...Wallaby Way....Sydney...."
Unknown "LOOOOOOONS!" Inspired
- 16 years, 10 months, 15 days ago
i will never understand when people say of a certain song (which i love, but will not name) that the singer has a 'sense of urgency'. he doesn't. haha. sounds quite peaceful to me. but his violin playing is excellent. hrrrm hrrm hrrm, i had a quote in my head a while ago but it seems to have left. and my hand has something strange on it, i'm not sure what, but it feels like dried toothpaste. don't ask me why i know what that feels like, i just do. either way, my hands should be clean as i just did a bunch of dishes...mostly cutlery. we had tons because its my least favourite thing to wash, and our dishwasher seems to think that cutlery should stay dirty, no matter how hot the water is. alright, cohorts, here's my wiki-wiki-quote (see how i did that? added that bit of southern style to my words? you should try it.) "so you're -- not going to england?" "no. not." "you're -- staying here?" "it would appear so." alright, i know it was a cheap quote, and holly will be winning the ice cream head (hahahahaha) trip, but still, its what i'm going with. and maybe this too, as an added bonus --> its my favourite line of a certain song: "she came back to tell me she's gone. as if i didn't know that, as if i didn't know my own bed. as if i didn't know the way she brushed her hair from her forehead."
Unknown "LOOOOOOONS!" Inspired
- 16 years, 11 months, 11 days ago
i'm the tired one. it is, on one hand, 10 to 6 in the morning, and i've been up for 1/2 an hour already...and i also did yoga yesterday and ------- oops. ITS NOW 11:24 AM and i'm back home after work and church cleaning. apparently i forgot to finish my morning thought after i had to package up some homemade lasagna for my mom (delish, btb), change dean out of his pj's and into a sweater to go outside, and spread yum-tastic avacado on my toast, AND only 5 mins in which to do so. my 'tale' here was not so high on my to-do list, but as i'm home again home again jiggity jig, i can type at my leisure. (in my head i'm saying that word with a brit accent, so you must now too. LEH-shur. refreshing, is it not?) alright, so my quote of the day goes as follows: "you really think theres someone out there for me?" "out there....in here..." "--oh!" so there it is. not an easy one, but i thought it was cute. and here is your hint-o-rama....its a cartoon! :D narrows it down a bit, don't it? ah, crap, the snowflake fell off my underpants! that may sound like code, but no, i'm being quite literal. and as its sitting here on the table before me, i assume my sister found it. hahahaha anyhoo. just enjoying a pop-tart (tho, i'm not a huge fan of this strawberry milkshake flavour...odd and too sweet). ok, now that pop-tart is gone, i need a giant glass of water. WOO-WEE that thing is sweet! the end. i take my leave.
Unknown "LOOOOOOONS!" Inspired
- 16 years, 11 months, 18 days ago
quote o' the day....enjoy it at your own risk: "She has gone from the 25th weight percentile to the 3rd in one month. Now I'm not a baby expert, but I'm pretty sure they're not supposed to shrink."
Unknown "LOOOOOOONS!" Inspired
- 16 years, 11 months, 21 days ago
well, apparently i'm turning senile, as i've quite forgotten to put down a quote every day. well well. but even so, here is an interesting fact: i watched E.T. today, (on VHS, totally classic). and i've discovered that it is really still an amazing movie, with the ability to make me laugh, cry, and get slightly nervous. :D (tho, i couldn't stop thinking of taco bell at the part where E.T. gets sick...my sister always called those burrito wrap things 'E.T. skin'. mmmm, appetizing.) but, for your benefit and mine, here is a quote to amuse and NOT befuddle: Tyler: Ooh! An Extra-Terrestrial! Where's he from? Uranus? Get it? Your anus? Greg: He doesn't get it Ty. Tyler: Get it? Your anus? Greg: He doesn't get it. Elliot: You're so immature! Greg: And you're such a sinus supremus. Elliot: Zero charisma! Greg: Sinus supremus! Elliot: Zero charisma! hehehehehehe when was the last time you called anyone a 'sinus supremus'?? obviously it's been too long, and your mission for the next week, should you accept it, is to share an 80's insult with a pal. yep. or else you'll be doomed to be a 'douche bag' for the rest of eternity...or at least the week.
Unknown "LOOOOOOONS!" Inspired
- 16 years, 11 months, 24 days ago