* there will be this wacko who will rise to power in and when he is secured into power as a facist dictator,
* he will militarize the police,
* destroy human rights,
* engineer crisis to blame on his political enemies so he could openly impliment his agenda,
* institute secret police,
* dissarm the population with intense gun control to help eliminate resistance,
* invade other nations to take their resources,
* enforce strict racial policy,
* eliminate undesirable people through eugenics programs,
* build death camps to gas and burn the Jewish people,
* create massive slave labor programs,
* expand the nation across other territories,
* plunge countries into total global conflict,
* use propaganda and fear to keep the population loyal and under control,
* bringing his own country to the brink to total destruction,
* and threaten humanity it's self?
Unknown "Rrrrr-not 4 sale" Loyal
- 17 years, 2 months, 16 days ago