Tales of my silliness....
So I got home today and decided to check my bill for virgin media since I found a letter from them telling me they’ll cut off my internet access if I don’t pay immediately (2nd one out of 5 months) [For those of you who don't know I live by myself in a rented room with one other housemate my landlady…she is a story within itself. ]
Little did I know what horrors awaited me. As I logged on waiting to see my amount due up to £60 (blaming the high expense on a house mate who said he would pay me £20 of the £37 broadband bill if I let him use the net, but he left now without paying 2 months worth of internet access…he’s another story...) and shock horror (and I was truly shocked) I saw my bill is now £105 (this included this month’s cost as well which is £45...something I didn't think about then as I stared in horror at the price)
So I concluded that they were just terribly mean (also an extra £20 charge for a failed direct debit transfer...as I was short with £3 in my debit account at the time they were supposed to withdraw said payment...again something I didn't know until I got a letter in the post telling me of the failed direct debit transfer. I should include that I rarely use my debit account and prefer to use my visa electron to pay for pretty much everything which is why it only had £37 at the time ) and burst into tears because I didn't understand my bill[this doesn’t usually happen I promise]. Besides the bill I was still mad that I couldn't change the broadband size to something smaller (after the housemate left) because their site is wako and confusing and not at all helpful or easy to understand (I have, for 5 consecutive days tried to log in to my account to change the broadband size which always resulted in failure and a very frustrated Andrea)
Anyway after calling my brother to complain (this happens quite often) and cry on the phone and finally getting settled back down I realise that the £45 is for this month and that me crying over a bill was all very silly and over dramatic of me.
I do think I learned a lesson from this though…well several…
1) Check your bank balance if you know a bill is going to come (though I should note they did send me a letter telling me I have to pay by the 29th…this of course got to me some 4 or so days later than the deadline…)
2) Learn to look at dates of bill, take in the information and process it first before reacting (luckily I didn’t call them or send them a very angry letter which would have made me look verrry stupid…)
3) Don’t cry over useless things.
4) All things can be resolved with a little thinking (I should add all MINOR things can be resolved with a little thinking…)
Unknown "andy kins"
- 17 years, 23 days ago