I'm sorry
I'm sorry you had to watch me deteriote
To what I am today
I'm sorry you had to keep your mouth shut
As I showed you my first cuts
I'm sorry you had to betray my trust
In interest of my sanity
I'm sorry you had to look me in the eye
And lie to me
I'm sorry you had to see
The blood
I'm sorry your love
Was not enough
I'm sorry you had to hear
That I took those pills
Swallowing the fear
Knowing they would kill
I'm sorry you were helpless
As you watch me lose my mind
I'm sorry you had to walk in the shadows
Of my attempted suicide
I'm sorry I was commited
I'm sorry I got stitched
I'm sorry I'm distorted
I'm sorry I make you sick
I'm sorry for the bad feeling
That kept you awake at night
I'm sorry its just so hard
To fight this battle half alive
I'm sorry to make you worry
I know you really care
I'm sorry you miss your daughter
For she's not really even there
Unknown "Absolute Beauty" Insatiable
- 16 years, 12 months, 1 day ago