there once was a boy who in 2007 decided it would be a great idea to grow a playoff beard.. weeks went by.. and the Canucks were still in the playoffs and this beard just kept growing..
then one sad sad evening.. the great Canucks of Vancouver.. decided they would get knocked out of the playoffs by the soon to be stanley cup champions, Mighty Ducks of Anaheim..
on the sad morning to follow.. just so happened to be a Friday.. the buy gets a crazy idea.. and decides to shave his beard.. .... .... into.... THE MUSTACHE...
the mustache has been known through time as something of great stature.. but since the days known as the 70s.. where sex.. drugs.. and of course rock and roll takeover.. the mustache gets the well known name of the perv stache...
LAter on that evening there was a bit of a concert.. at that concert the stache was released and so was the birth of the shirt.. from that night further.. the boy knew.. with beer and the stache.. you could get away with anything!!!
*Story may or may not have any non-fictional properties*
**Another Note.. The stache has been removed!!**
Unknown "Mr March" Inspired
- 17 years, 2 months, 22 days ago