If you want to know something about me... then just ask! I just can't promise that I will give the answer you are looking for! ;) I don't like being so expensive... . it makes me self-conscious. I love dandelions, cheek kisses, laughter, randomness, rain, walking my dog, music, animals, kiddos, oh, all sorts of things! I am extremely random, silly, and bunches of fun... don't believe me? see for yourself! Just don't give me a bunch of BS... I despise that crap with a passion... lol I read a quote today that sums up my biggest pet peeve, and why it is... "The worst thing about being lied to is knowing that you weren't worth the truth."
About you:
Anyone friendly who can make me laugh... (don't worry, its super easy - I'm constantly laughing!) ok... go ahead... make me laugh, damnit!
i'm not laughing yet... you need to try harder!
I adore & admire people with the courage & confidence to be originals... following the crowd is such a bore! :)
Someone who can cure allergies so I never have to sniffle or sneeze again! That would be spec-flippin-tacular! (I just figured out that I'm allergic to my spoiled lil puppy, Mister Magoo!)
Hi! It has been a SUPER long time since I have been on HP, and I randomly decided to hop on today out of boredom and fear of the heat and sun outside. :)
I probably won't be on very much either... but if you know me, you have me on facebook so talk to me there! :)
(Yes, I know I still have a christmas tree up... it is on purpose! now anyway) Amy Turk"cracker"spectacular! :)
- 15 years, 8 months, 27 days ago
Wow... so it HAS been a while since I have written here... soooooooooo... a brief update while I am "enjoying" one of the most boring days at work yet... New Year's Eve. I did get a "proper" NYE kiss... from my friend Aimee! (closed-mouth, no funny stuff, sorry guys) but we did catch it on cameraphone...lol It was by far the best New Years I have ever had. Granted, I do not recall the first 5 hours of 2009, but who needs to remember? It was an absolute blast... we got dressed up in fancy gowns and sang, danced, drank, flirted with cute bartenders, drank, danced, drank, drank... (I did mention I live in Wisconsin right? :P)
Let's see... well, my computer at home is on the fritz... it still works, but it way too slow to match my minimal level of patience, so I am only on the computer at work... which is why I haven't been on here very much. Sorry! I miss you all very much though, and if you aren't my facebook friend already, you should send me a request. I'll add you if I know you, and I check that page way more often than this one.
This week... I had some stupid boy play a stupid game with me... I'm not going into detals, but it was so dumb and childish, and no matter what the reasoning for it, the final conclusion is that he's an asshole. I'm not a big fan of the boyfriend/girlfriend type relationships... I much prefer to just have friends, no matter the gender, and hang out and have fun. Why when I hang out with a guy he automatically thinks that there's strings attached is beyond me. I try very hard to make it clear that I am NOT looking for anything relationship-wise, yet they always think that I am. It is so frustrating. And why play games? really... just be up front & honest. I'm just trying to have fun. Fill my nights with as many funny stories that will make me look back & laugh about as I can. Ugh. Okay, enough venting. I instructed my girl-friends to notify anyone who inquires about me that I do indeed have a boyfriend. It makes things so much simpler that way. I know that there are jerks out there who still think that they have a chance, but oh how I love to mess with the jerks... make them feel like donkeys... because, really, that's what they are! lol
Okay... I should get back to work or something like that. :P Amy Turk"cracker"spectacular! :)
- 16 years, 2 months, 1 day ago
There is something that I have never done properly on new year's eve... I highly doubt it will be done properly this year either. most likely because I have yet to decide what, if anything I am doing tomorrow night. that's okay... there's always next year? ha ha ha
Amy Turk"cracker"spectacular! :)
- 16 years, 2 months, 17 days ago
So yesterday was a sad, sad day... My "little brother" (who is not really my little brother, but a kid I've sort of adopted as my sibling after years in the youth theatre group together) called me yesterday morning sobbing... I don't think I had ever heard him cry before... he finally proceeded to tell me that his father had been killed in a car accident early that morning. My heart absolutely sank. I brought dinner over there last night, helped them look through photos, and managed to distract & cheer up Justin for at least a little while... It was nice to return the favor after all the times that kid has done something goofy when I was having a bad day to cheer me up...
It just puts a bit of perspective on things... There isn't anything in this world so important that you need to risk your life to get there... Appreciate those that you love, and tell them so often... Cherish every second you have together, you never know what may happen tomorrow... All the little trivalities and annoyances and rushing around this time of year are really quite pointless when you look at the bigger picture.
So, all of my dear friends who I have come to know through this silly little game... Take care of yourselves, and have a wonderful holiday... You are all amazing people... don't ever let anyone tell you any different! :) Amy Turk"cracker"spectacular! :)
- 16 years, 2 months, 23 days ago
Sarah Brightman was amazing. She gave me goosebumps and made me cry. I loved every second of it! :)
Okay... the computer is making my brain hurt... plus I'm sure I'll need to shovel early tomorrow AM... off to beddy bye for me! :)
Amy Turk"cracker"spectacular! :)
- 16 years, 3 months, 9 days ago