I think my brain just blew up.... which is a pain in the butt because I just cleaned my apartment and now there is brain everywhere *sigh*
Unknown "Cassie-sempai" Calm
- 16 years, 5 months, 26 days ago
There is no halo above my head, these wings have been bound and tied... I can no longer fly. I must instead stand and fight for what I believe, want, and love. But one day I will be free once more to soar the skies, but will have changed. I will have gained experience and wisdom of things past, and my body will be scarred from past pain. And I must endure all of this... because I want to go on.
Unknown "Cassie-sempai" Calm
- 16 years, 11 months, 2 days ago
This is what I have to say on the topic of love while I'm on it: Love people every day from the bottom of your heart, care for the ones closest to you whether they are friend or family as you will never know how precious they were until they are gone. You may get burned, but wounds will heal and pieces can be mended and made whole once again. Don't be afraid of love, being loved, or giving love again as more often then not the new person in your life will be the one to help with the healing from past pain.
Unknown "Cassie-sempai" Calm
- 17 years, 12 days ago
For the life of me I never understood why people always felt so sorry for me every year on Valentines day. Sure I have never had anyone in my life to do anything with on this apparently glowing and harmonious day, but I also don't mind. So long as I see other people around me are happy then it's fine and is all that I really need.
Unknown "Cassie-sempai" Calm
- 17 years, 12 days ago
Modeling has taught me a lot of things, such as taking a little more pride in my body and how I look. But the biggest thing was not just being a pretty face, you have to have the right personality as well. People don't want you if you are a bitch and a pain in the butt to work with.
Unknown "Cassie-sempai" Calm
- 17 years, 1 month, 12 days ago