I am a angel with tears streaming down my face I am an angel with out hope right now I am an agel with accusations of theft I am an angel with tears running down my face I am an angel with a heart of gold I am an angel with fear I am an angel with hope I am an angel with out a home to go to I am an angel left on the streets to die
- 16 years, 3 months, 14 days ago
When you are sad I will dry your tears When you are scared I will comfort your fears When you are worried I will give you hope When you are confused I will help you cope And when you are lost And can't see the light I shall be your beacon Shining ever so bright This is my oath I pledge till the end Why you may ask? Because you're my friend
I am an angel with out wings.Willyou help me fly? I am an angel with out food,Will you feed me? I am an angel with out love,Will you love me? I am an angel who can cry,Will you wipe away my tears? I am an angel of pain,Will you cure all my pain ?
- 16 years, 4 months, 7 days ago