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Snowbird | - Free online hangout and friends
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Herds (lead): Thumb me bum here. :)
Herds: Pagan Pets, Keeping it in the herd, man this place sucks!
Snowbird's tales
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Do people actually live up to their word or is it an illusion. I know for myself I say what I mean and feel. I don't play games or use anyone for an ego boost. I am happy with whom I am and the road which I am heading down. I have heard many people say things but never put into action what they said they would. It's easy to say for the moment I can or will do this knowing that it is just to appease the person for that time being.
I live by the old book if that makes me naive then so be it but when all else is gone all we have is our word....I work in a funeral home and believe me people are remembered based on two things their actions and words, how do you want to be remembered?
Snowbird Purring - 14 years, 5 months, 6 days ago
Cause I know you're out there . . .

To every guy that's said, "Sex CAN wait"
To every guy that's said, "You're beautiful."
To every guy that was never too busy to drive across town (or across the state) to see her.
To every guy that gives flowers and a card when she is sick.
To every guy who has given her flowers just because.
To every guy that said he would die for her.
To every guy that really would.
To every guy that did what she wanted to do.
To every guy that cried in front of her.
To every guy that she cried in front of.
To every guy that holds hands with her.
To every guy that kisses her with meaning.
To every guy that hugs her when she's sad.
To every guy that hugs her for no reason at all.
To every guy who would give their jacket up for her.
To every guy that calls to make sure she got home safe.
To every guy that would sit and wait for her for hours just to see her for ten minutes
To every guy that would give his seat up.
To every guy that just wants to cuddle.
To every guy that reassured her that she was beautiful no matter what.
To every guy who told his secrets to her.
To every guy that tried to show how much he cared through every word and every breath.
To every guy that thought maybe this could be the one.
To every guy that believed in her dreams.
To every guy that would have done anything so she could achieve them.
To every guy that never laughed at her when she told him her dreams.
To every guy that walked her to her car.
To every guy that gave his heart.
To every guy who prays that she is happy even if you are not with her.

...This one bulletin is for you...

Not many girls appreciate nice guys anymore...
And because of this, there are not many left out there...

I guarantee 90% of the men on your page will not repost this 'cuz they care more about their image

If you are a nice guy repost this with "We're a Dying Breed "

If you are a girl that thinks every guy should treat a girl this way
repost this with: "To Every Guy...
Snowbird Purring - 14 years, 5 months, 7 days ago
I soooooooo love Sam

Snowbird Purring - 14 years, 5 months, 24 days ago
Do you know what it's like to hold your life in your hands, no limits, no stops and no detours. I think that if we cut the strings that hold us back, we can all discover who we truly are and what we were put here to do.
Grab each day as if it were your last, feel the sun kiss your cheek and comfort you in her rays, let the rain cascade onto your skin, feeling it wash down, taking with it the old you want to shed.....let the moon dance in your eyes for all to see, let the wind whisper your next moves in your ears and let the earth always cradle you

Snowbird Purring - 14 years, 6 months, 7 days ago
So love this song

Snowbird Purring - 14 years, 6 months, 11 days ago
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Rhonda Lamoure

Cheers to friendships! You have been given Cheers to friendships!.
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Rhonda Lamoure "Girlfriend" Courageous - 6 years, 9 months, 1 day ago

puff puff pass You have been given puff puff pass.
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Deborama "Deborama" Loving my Friends - 6 years, 9 months, 6 days ago

MMJ & Medicinal Herbal POT You have been given MMJ & Medicinal Herbal POT.
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Deborama "Deborama" Loving my Friends - 6 years, 9 months, 6 days ago
hey Chris!
Bong Rips & Coffee Time! You have been given Bong Rips & Coffee Time!.
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Deborama "Deborama" Loving my Friends - 6 years, 9 months, 6 days ago
Rhonda Lamoure

Checking out your page.. You have been given Checking out your page...
Crafted by Rhonda Lamoure
Rhonda Lamoure "Girlfriend" Courageous - 6 years, 9 months, 6 days ago

Assorted  Doobie Pack of Fun You have been given Assorted Doobie Pack of Fun.
Crafted by Deborama
Deborama "Deborama" Loving my Friends - 6 years, 9 months, 23 days ago
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Snowbird's shop
Smurf Village

A little something for everyone ;)

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