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"Stunning Goddess"

Last login: over 3 weeks ago

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Herds (lead): You know you want me!
Herds: Red Sox fans, Andrew's Thumbs, Love Thumbs
"Pineapple Head"
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"The Camacho"
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"guitar hero!"
70 pts
Unknown's tales
All I can offer you is a smile
To ease all of your pain
Time heals the wounds
Left by troubles all the same
I’m sorry it all happened but
The only words I can think of
Are better left unsaid
A simple gesture and a glance
Tells you what I’m thinking
Then the tears burst forth again
It will soon be alright
We’ll be here to comfort you
And support you through this time
For we each have experienced
In one way or other
What you’re going through
So, All I can offer you is a smile
To ease all of your pain
Time heals the wounds
Left by troubles all the same

Unknown "Stunning Goddess" Sparkling - 16 years, 12 months ago
Even though I’m not alone,
I feel just as lonely.
Even though I get things done,
I feel just as lazy.
Even though there’s things to do,
I feel that there’s nothing.
Even though the sun is shining,
I feel my skies are gray.
Even though I get older,
I feel like only a kid.
Even though they say they know,
I feel I’m the only one who does.
Even though it’s all over,
I feel it lingers on.
Even though I seem alright,
I feel like crying.
Even though I seem strong,
I feel weak inside.
Even though I do okay,
I feel I’m not good enough.
Even though I want to,
I feel as though I can’t.
Even though I know so much,
I feel that I know nothing.
Even though there’s more to say,
I feel that I need not say anything.

Unknown "Stunning Goddess" Sparkling - 16 years, 12 months ago
Love with no regrets; with no fear. Listen to your heart. Trust that is will lead you in the right direction. But don't give it away to eagerly or it may not come back to you in one peice. It's your life, Live it with an honest passion. However, you only get one lifetime, so fullfill your hearts desires safely but Bodly

Unknown "Stunning Goddess" Sparkling - 16 years, 12 months ago
lost in the abyss of chaotic clutter and darkness i stood; and had no idea where to begin to climb out of the mess i had made of my life. Work, home, friends, and special persons of the opposite sex all catagorized in the "not so hot" portion of life. Then a glimmer of light. Smiles on my face as work and friends get re-filed into "happy". Holding my head higher as i walked and i was pround of how far i had come. "Don't look back" my concious would say, and for a while i listened. However, the past repeats itself and like lightening it struck me, hard. The glimmer now gone and in darkness i lie; alone. Several tactics were attemted to break free; a new location, new friends in the cirlcle, new pets to look after. And soon i am getting back to myself and becoming someone i like. But it wasn't enough. One last hesitant venture turned out to be the best thing that ever happened to me. A personal organizer who also specializes in snuggly hugs, amazing kisses, and warm fuzzy feelings with a knack for making me feel wanted. i look around me and see the chaos of clutter being cleared away and organized into neat piles ready to be tucked away in their perfect place in my life. Loved, adored, and safe have replaced unwanted and lonely in my heart, and happier is my face. Forever no longer dreaded but embraced. While there's still a lot to do, and i fear that it will take longer than i would like it to, certain aspects of my past will no longer hunt me, no longer will they be obsticals in my progress. From all of this i have learned that you cannot clear the clutter on your own, and you cannot be afriad to ask for help. Because reguardless of what you think, you do need it.

written 2-18-08
Unknown "Stunning Goddess" Sparkling - 16 years, 12 months ago

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howdy thanks for the petting
Unknown "My dragon" Tender - 16 years, 10 months, 1 day ago

You have been given I Pet You.
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Unknown "my friend 4 life" Bold - 16 years, 10 months, 22 days ago
Mark Baker
I am having a sale on my most popular items at my shop.
Mark Baker "Hubby" Loving - 16 years, 11 months, 23 days ago
Put some tales out, I'll drop some thumbs for ya'.
Unknown "Mirage" done with my 48 hour shift! - 16 years, 12 months, 2 days ago
Thanks for the pet :)
Unknown "Mirage" done with my 48 hour shift! - 16 years, 12 months, 2 days ago

You have been given Sexy Stormtrooper Assault Force .
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Unknown "Shaun" Perplexed - 17 years, 26 days ago
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