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Unknown's tales
VIRGO - The One that Waits

Dominant in relationships. Someone loves them right now. Always wants the last word. Caring. Smart. Loud. Loyal. Easy to talk to. Everything you ever wanted. Easy to please. A pushover. Loves to gamble and take chances. Needs to have the last say in everything. They think they know everything and usually do. Respectful to others but you will quickly lose their respect if you do something untrustworthy towards them and never regain respect. The do not forgive and never forget. The one and only.
Unknown "thirsty" Thirsty - 17 years, 2 months, 8 days ago
The Death Angel

A black life gathers into a latent mist
Seeming to have a particular interest
Hanging over the sorry eulogist
Plucking gingerly at the strings of sorrow! Insist!

One snip in the invisible string
That fastens you to life and the breathing
At a predetermined time the bells were set to ring
And you, to feel deaths vitriolic sting

A full stop, mid sentence, you’ll find
Graven rashly on the impressionable mind
And wheels of life over a corpse grind
To a halt of a very final kind

A star from the sky silently fell
And rent the night like a fire in a dell
But he welcomes this night when the world looks less empty and pale
Not a tear he sheds as away he sails

Falling through a million webs called time
Sinking into a tomb so darkly sublime
Weeping to words you never thought could rhyme
The fading bells peel their last mourning chime

Sit in silence, oh, morbid angel of death
Chose this once not to take life in haste
Let your lavish longing for death be abased
For there are some memories even you can’t erase

Wave your wand in your skeleton hand
Dance through the sun bleached bones of men
Cackle hard and count to ten
And place his body in your secret den

Write his name in your book of death
Fill the pages so you can rest
Breathe the air of every last breath
That one day you may die; what a comforting behest

At the door of your human abattoir, you sing far and wide
A baritone madrigal, that seems never to subside
You lead you to pools of tears sincerely cried
And hollows where spirits from hell desperately hide

A tired gray moon wanes
A haggard white crescent fades
A last breath finally drained
Into your insatiable belly; your hunger reigns

A moan of one falling out of life pierces the night
Screaming out over nothingness with all its might
No one can catch him in this final flight
A teardrop of light, a darkness of sight

A life swallowed up in deaths black hole
Like drops of blood off a sealed scroll
A freeing or a binding of an abandon soul
Where’s the wonder in the escalating death toll

Does tranquility and rest inhabit his grave?
Beneath the soil is his soul enslaved?
And penance for unborn sins being paid?
In your flowery tomb, is he being tortured and maimed?

Screams waking the world and even the shoddy
Like a knife through a cold, dead body
Killing the silence in this morbid hobby
Reminding one of all things naughty

And in all this you prance about, like a child in the woods
Grinning under your seemingly endless hood
Dancing where the living once stood
Taking life from the bad and the good

Turning heads and waking children in their beds
To see purgatory littered with corpses red
And angels and demons claim their dead
Placing the tears of those left behind in their stead

See all this as my useless rebuttal
As I look upon this life, my porthole
Lay aside your quill, write no more obituaries
Release their souls from your black, lifeless prairies

Unknown "thirsty" Thirsty - 17 years, 2 months, 15 days ago
It never occurred to anyone that Lily Faun could do something as clumsy as burn the guests coffee! In fact it came as such a sublime shock that the looks she received upon entering the old-fashioned sitting room were so foreign to her that she let a tear teeter on the rims of her black eyes.
But no one gave it a thought when the kitchen floor looked clean enough to eat off of, the bathrooms looks spanking new, and the sitting room and drawing room still seemed to smell as if the floors had been freshly varnished! Odd, I did think, for this house is a good twenty years old, and although kept immaculately clean, seemed in mild disrepair! Oddly scattered amidst the perfection were articles that screamed the very opposite of what poor Lily Faun tried to maintain.
The poker stand that was precariously balanced against the side of the fireplace was snapped clear in half, as if someone had used it as an unwieldy weapon. The clay of the fireplace was badly cracked in places and appeared to be bleeding red dust! The cream drapes were badly frayed where they just barely touched the cloudy parquet floor! “Looks like it could use another coat of varnish” I murmured to myself, raising one eyebrow, in indifferent observation, knowing my mental criticism would accomplish nothing, except to worry Lily Faun out of her mind to see my “hidden” disapproving looks. The great portraits, told stories of an intricate ancestry from behind scratched and dusty glass.
I picked simultaneously at an empty nail hole in the wall and the peeling black lacquer on the grand mantel piece and pictured Lily Faun bustling around in her great tilafia skirts! The clean green silk, that looked as if it was chasing her angular appendages as it trailed behind her with a slight rustling sound. Her small white breasts pushing against the cruelly laced corset which was pulled so tight it squeezed her waist into a eye-catching handful. I imagined her voice modulating to a higher pitch when Lenette tugged at the velvet strings and fixed them into to a perfectly-formed bow with those boney fingers.
I saw her rounded and vulnerable-looking features, I could imagine she hated for the way they didn’t match her personality. The pink pansy lips with exaggerated mountain-peaks, she pressed tightly together. Her rounded, short nose made her look terribly sweet, an unforgivable flaw, she mumbled to herself in the morning mirror. And then her rounded cheeks, that pushed up into two little balls when she dared indulge herself in the luxury of smiling.
Now her feline eyes stared full of trepidation at the white Victoria-style napkin in her hands, they seemed to be studying it for some hidden, yet unforgivable flaw in the lace work. She shock her head slowly and let a straight, subdued smile form on her lips as she poured sherry from a crystal decanter without spilling a drop or so much as letting the neck of the bottle make that dreamy clink against the gold painted rim of the tiny stemmed glass. Her forehead wrinkled in disgust, and she cast Lenette a look that could kill to see the wrong glasses standing innocently by each guests coffee mug. She let out a gruff sigh and swung the decanter back with her head, letting the liquid gather at the sides of her lips, and drip down gathering into one bulging red droplet at the tip of her pointed chin, collecting again on the tip of her pink nipple as she turned her head to me. Her hair was loosely pinned up so as not the cover any bit of the full picture of nudity before us. She took a great big swig of the sherry again, this time letting it fall to her small cleavage and make its way in red tear-like traces down her flat belly to her lap, disappearing into the little black patch of hair between her legs.
Sickle woke up in a daze. “No more chocolate flavored strawberry toothpaste, for me!” Sickle sighed and turned over fell over the edge with a loud thumb. A black puddle of blood spread around his head as it lay on the floor like a lily pad in a red sea.
Unknown "thirsty" Thirsty - 17 years, 2 months, 18 days ago

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lurv ya
You have been given Sooo Happy to see you!!!! ♥.
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Unknown "Crumplet" Hurt - 16 years, 9 months, 11 days ago
You have been given ღNow & Foreverღ.
Crafted by Lily
Unknown "Crumplet" Hurt - 16 years, 10 months, 3 days ago
Unknown still alive these days? pop by my page if ya have a sec...
You have been given Have A Great Day!.
Crafted by Nina
Unknown "Crumplet" Hurt - 16 years, 10 months, 5 days ago
muah...hope ur doing ok
You have been given A hug for you!.
Crafted by Sean Kilby
Unknown "Crumplet" Hurt - 16 years, 10 months, 21 days ago
You have been given Jameson's Irish Whiskey.
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Unknown "Crumplet" Hurt - 16 years, 11 months, 15 days ago
You have been given Tag! your it!.
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Unknown "Crumplet" Hurt - 17 years, 15 days ago
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