The girl in the pictures with me is MY BEST FRIEND (Female) We have been friends for 13 years and well shes like blood to me and I love her to DEATH Cheers Chas
Unknown "Awwww :)" Ecstatic
- 16 years, 12 months, 4 days ago
Well I am writing this tale because currently I have a pet out on loan and to be honest her and I have a good friendship although see is a million miles away! Danielle is here name and if you ever see her on my page just leave her be I am her safe spot ! "as she puts it " and well to be honest I have no problems with that !:) So Danielle Cheers to you :)
Unknown "Awwww :)" Ecstatic
- 17 years, 10 days ago
Ok so what a hell of a patry last night:) My head dont hurt so bad but my eyes do hurt and well needless to say its ok cause we had a ball and the pic and vids prove it and to my friend fred for which he made me cry would you like some more cake???? it was a blast
Unknown "Awwww :)" Ecstatic
- 17 years, 19 days ago
ok so this tale is for my real life dog buddy his birthday is feburary 14 and he will be 3 today !!! His name is buddy gavin love and hes my little son i never had and he is a very freindly lets play tag kind of dog who likes to be in your lap at all times if he can fit so thumb this tale for my boy and not me :)
Unknown "Awwww :)" Ecstatic
- 17 years, 23 days ago
Feburary 13 2008 Well we had one hell of a snow strom last night and let me tell you shovelling twice in less then two hours aint right what so ever. But it goes to show the effects off global warning and according to the news today we havent had this much snowfall since 1999 which is a good thing because our area in which we live has a water issue and bans in the summertime and it makes me mad cause there is never a nice green patch of grass to sit and relax on and when you do sit on brown grass it feels like straw !!! Well today is sunny like the calm after the strom so i think i am going to go snowboarding and play in the crunchy fresh white snow ! so thats my tale for the day :) cheers
Unknown "Awwww :)" Ecstatic
- 17 years, 23 days ago