The first memory I have as a pet took place on a dark night, where I could only see a face staring at me, I was scared, I was trying to undestand how was it possible that I could only see that face that seemed to be a long distance away and nothing else around it, suddenly I heard something, till these day I cant tell who or what made that sound, seemed like a scream, but the only thing that I could see at the moment was that quiet and comforting face now closer to me, I assume till this day that that face belongs to my owner, I was suddenly dragged, or pushed by something, I cant really remember. But the first words that I heard that night were the most beautiful words that any pet can hear. ¿Can we keep him?, I heard. But a stronger voice suddenly captured my attention. No son we can't, you are not responsible enough to take care of another life, he said. After a month they took me away from my mother. Weeks passed in that small and cold cage, and after a year they moved me into a warehouse, those were the worst years of my life, the big monsters fed me 2 times a week and beated me up twice a day, I wasn't able to feel anything but the hunger and the pain inside my heart, but every night I dreamt of the same face I saw the first day that I stepped on this cruel world and kept me warm in my sleep. One day my cage was left open, I ran to the door and escaped from that awfull place, but my nightmare was not over, I was left in the streets, feeding on te garbage that the humans left on the floor, I grew sick, a car once ran me over and for nearly half a year I wasn't able to walk without wanting to cry because of the pain in my back legs. Today is raining on the streets and I have nowhere to stay, I feel sick, wet and tired. ¿What is that? My head hurts so much that I can barelly see but I think it is... ¿Am I dreaming? I know that face, ¿Why is it here? I fall down, I can't get up anymore, I'm too tired. My owner picks me up, this is not possible, I have only seen my owner in my sleep ¿How is this happening? I lick his face. He looks into my eyes. I'm falling asleep. My owner sheds a tear. Its the most wonderfull day of my life and I can't keep myself awake, my eyes start to close. My owner starts to cry. Don't cry, I say to him, he doesn't seem to understand me, I'm just going to sleep a litte, I say. He pets me and hugs me. I fall asleep, I feel warm, I dont feel sick anymore, my owner found me, I'm glad I got to see him while I was awake. Now that I can't wake up I have no regrets, for I got the luck to lie with him once.
Unknown "rulo´s" Wild
- 17 years, 2 months, 15 days ago