For your hashing pleasure, Jimmy Crack Whore and I will be laying out a calm relaxing stroll through the gently rolling hills, beautiful sunny meadows and just a little bit of shiggy. Saturday February 2nd 2008 (Yes that will be groundhogs day) trail will be a nice break from the long busy work week. (well for those wankers that work) This trail will be used to scare the little rat bastard Punxsutawney Phil back in to his hole. Cause who doesn't like a nice warm wet snow covered hole in the middle of winter...
Start will be in the parking lot at the park, across the street from Cumberland Farms On the corner of Cady St and West St in Ludlow, MA 01056. Start will be @ 1PM HST (1300 for those with big watches) Hash Cash is $5,+MA&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wl
-Cumming from the east on the mass pike; get off (he, he, he) at exit #7 and take a left till you cum to the Big Y parking lot lights. At the lights take a right on to Cherry st (don't pop the cherry) and head (head who said head...) to the end. Take a right then your next left on to Cady st. (watch out! it's a quick left) Follow Cady st all the way down (down, down) till you get to Cumby's. Start will be in the parking lot at the park, across the street from Cumberland Farms On the corner of Cady St and West St in Ludlow, MA 01056.
-Cumming from the west on the pike; get off exit #6 and take a right at the lights, go just past the 50's dinner and take a right at those lights on to New Lombard Rd. No it's not the motel lights it's the next light. Keep going down the road past the dump till you hit Cumby's on the right. Start will be in the parking lot at the park, across the street from Cumberland Farms On the corner of Cady St and West St in Ludlow, MA 01056.
-From RT 21; it's as easy as using a marker on other Hashers. Follow RT 21 in to the center of Ludlow it will pass right right by the pike exit #7.
The ON-After will be at Christy's. With an ON-ON-After back at my house with floor hash crash space. (bring your own bedding) The ON-ON-After may have but, will not be limited too: twister, jenga, pong/tippy cup and or connect 4.
Please note that the standard warning applies; the gentle hills and beautiful meadows are not recommended for anything that can be damaged, broken, drowned, or killed; ie. PDAs, Cell Phones, Children, SMF's or strollers. Aww but how hard can it really be (he, he, he, how hard)...It might be a good idea to have some spare change and a towel to *un with on trail.
Unknown "nate dog" Tired
- 17 years, 2 months, 1 day ago