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Unknown's tales
I gave one of my ribs, so that the person that oneday sleeps in my arms would complete me
Unknown "Jetadore" Sparkling - 17 years, 15 days ago
An extract from Lewis Carroll's 'Alice in Wonderland' that I quite enjoy :)

"Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?" asked Alice.
"That depends a good deal on where you want to get to," said the Cat.
"I don't much care where --" said Alice
"Then it doesn't matter which way you go," said the Cat.
"-- so long as I get SOMEWHERE, " Alice added as an explanation.
"Oh, you're sure to do that," said the Cat, "if you only walk long enough."

I read this crap every now and then to remind me that everything we attract into our lives is what you want from the universe.
Use it, don't use it, or lose it :) XXX
Unknown "Jetadore" Sparkling - 17 years, 17 days ago
Ok here goes nothing...

It was recently become aware to me that there with the amount to chick mags out there and lame men's editions. I figure to write this blog for reference to anyone asking me advice on the topic of waxing lol.

Yes if you haven't guessed it by now, then it can only mean that you don't know me or know that I do from time to time wax my chest. My reasons for this run along the same lines why men shave their heads bald because 'Chicks dig it!' lol.

So for the lady reader I'm sorry that this blog is aimed for men, otherwise I would be worried. However if you're bored and like the topic then I would recommend you visit as it is one of the true web site classics out there.

Just so you know I do this when no one is looking (lol) and self trained from my mistakes along the way.

There are a couple of steps and on going practices that I follow. So let's started then:

Chest Waxing 101
Practice 1 - Pimping

My sister tells me that I pimp myself way too much. By pimping she means that I put body cream on my skin everyday. I find that NIVA Men's Body lotion is the shizness for this. I do this every morning and night. Why? I actually have dry skin, but apparently if you look after your skin in this manner it not only makes you smell clean and great. It also helps to soften the hair follicles, so that the hair is soft and removes easier.

Practice 2 - The Clipper

Ok now this is for the odd week or so when you have no special occasions. I use hair clippers to 'shave' my body hair. Never use a razor on your chest or arms, because you're just looking to turn into a hedgehog! Clipper are important because it even out all the places. Honestly I also don't the courage to wax in some places and don't know how chicks do it lol.

Step 1 - In Preparation

Haha.. when I wax I tend to have a Marilyn Manson cd playing full blast. I also have with me my trusty disposable wax strips. If you're wondering what kind to get. I get woman's leg wax strips. I also have a mirror present to see the area's at the bottom of my neck and most importantly a pair of tweezers. Once you have these you just short a set of brass balls to do the deed lol.

Step 2 - Against and Along the Grain

Don't laugh but experience has told me that waxing must be done in a certain way 'anders gaan jy kak'

You basically warm a strip and spread it with the grain of the hair. Now here is the trick. When you pull the strip, pull it against the grain of the hair and pull not away from the hair, but keep your pull closet to the skin as posible. This is also one of the reason why no-one see me do this as it can make you look like a retard. When you wax please don't wax the same spot more than twice most. You may notice some real stubborn f#ckers that wont come out. These are most likely the white hairs, which I'll explain in the next step.

Step 3 - The Tweeze

This is one of the most important steps. There will hairs that just wont pull with the wax strips for various reasons. I find that often there are 'half pulled hairs'. I will normally spend about 30mins tweezing these hairs. Why? because if you don't they are the hairs responsible for making you chest look like a 13 year old going through puberty lol get my drift.

After that the waxing is basically done. Now come the hard part and can be painful if not done properly.

Practice 3 - Grown Up and not In!

It is very important that for the next 3 weeks after a wax that you continually exfoliate your skin along with the other practices. This ensures that everything grows out properly. There will be one or two that become ingrown, you'll just have to deal with it in your own way lol. The exfoliation helps to get rid of excess skin to help the new hairs come out.

Sjoe... So there you have it... feel free to send me your comments if you're not speechless lol.

Good luck!

Unknown "Jetadore" Sparkling - 17 years, 1 month, 4 days ago

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