If anyone has knighthood on there facebook let me know I will find you :) Actually I am now in war mode and I want to make sure that Im not attacking any of my FAVORITE HP friends so let me know ^_~ Unknown"☆Sweet Erin☆"Bold
- 16 years, 5 months, 1 day ago
I love sailor moon and I found this video so of course I had to put it on here!
Unknown"☆Sweet Erin☆"Bold
- 16 years, 6 months, 8 days ago
Unknown"☆Sweet Erin☆"Bold
- 16 years, 6 months, 8 days ago
So an update I thought was in order since everyone loves to thumb me :) I figure I will add more to thumb....doesnt that just sound odd.....ANYWHOS so I am back in school again today is the first day aye school at 24 years old I think I was on crack when I came up with this idea ok or not but anyways here I am back in school. As for my surgery that I had to have done I am recovering nicely they say I can start "trying" to have a baby again anytime so I figure I will give it a couple more months just to be safe. My stupid doctor did accidentaly tell me the sex of the baby that I lost which was very upsetting because it was the little girl ive always wanted, but Im not going to let it get me down I am young I will have a little girl if it takes me to 50 to get her! Well I guess thats as much of an update as I can get thank you to everyone who has been my rock and listens to my babbling. :) Unknown"☆Sweet Erin☆"Bold
- 16 years, 6 months, 13 days ago
Well this is prolly more then anyone wants to know but Im feeling a little down tonight and decided to write about somethings that have happened to me recently. Those of you i talk to the most know about my recent hardship. I found out about 4 months ago that I was pregnant again with my second child, I was very happy excited you name it. Well I could tell somethings just werent right about this pregnacy I was having pains and it just didnt "feel" right. Well long story short I went to the doctor for a normal visit and the baby wasnt growing and never would grow so I had to have surgery( a D&C) to have it removed. This was very tragic for me seeing as my last pregnacy was perfectly healthy and Id never had this before. Well tonight I am having some HORRIBLE pains and while they hurt they just remind me of everything Ive been through and I guess Im just feeling down about it so I figured maybe if I just write it out and express how much it hurts losing my baby maybe it will make me feel just a little bit better. To those of you who already know and have been very kind to me (my wonderful own Wolf) I just want to say thank you again for all of your concerns and kind words. I love my little HP family you are all so wonderful to me :) Unknown"☆Sweet Erin☆"Bold
- 16 years, 7 months, 8 days ago