You don't want me here
You think I don't know it.
You hope I will sense it.
You try not to show it but want me to know it.
You try for neutrality, impersonality,
a blank screen against which any flicker of life is
my projection of meaning, my fear, my anger,
for which you are not responsible.
I want to leave.
I don't want to be here.
I can't stay here.
I have nowhere.
I can't leave here.
You will not break my spirt.
I will not turn the other cheek.
You can't gag me now.
You can't lynch me here.
You can't drown me out.
You can't kill me here.
You can't shout me down.
You can't shut me up.
In this place I'll say what I want and you will hear me.
Fuck you bitch go to hell die if you're lucky
God I can't do this
Unknown "Darling Vi" Hopeless
- 16 years, 7 months, 21 days ago