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Unknown | - Free online hangout and friends
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Unknown owns this human at 1000000 points.


"Darling Vi"

"Lobster Bitch"
50 pts
Unknown's tales
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Unknown, that's a lie...pretty much all the time....I wish I wasn't so stupid and blind.
Unknown "Darling Vi" Hopeless - 16 years, 2 months, 10 days ago
I have no internet....since i'm now at please be patient with me xxxx
Unknown "Darling Vi" Hopeless - 16 years, 5 months, 27 days ago
i'm meeting my pet 'Joe Bloggs' today for coffee and muffins at 1pm!!!! how exiting!!

I do like meeting new people... :D
Unknown "Darling Vi" Hopeless - 16 years, 7 months, 15 days ago
You don't want me here
You think I don't know it.
You hope I will sense it.
You try not to show it but want me to know it.
You try for neutrality, impersonality,
a blank screen against which any flicker of life is
my projection of meaning, my fear, my anger,
for which you are not responsible.

I want to leave.
I don't want to be here.
I can't stay here.
I have nowhere.
I can't leave here.

You will not break my spirt.
I will not turn the other cheek.

You can't gag me now.
You can't lynch me here.
You can't drown me out.
You can't kill me here.
You can't shout me down.
You can't shut me up.

In this place I'll say what I want and you will hear me.
Fuck you bitch go to hell die if you're lucky
God I can't do this
Unknown "Darling Vi" Hopeless - 16 years, 7 months, 21 days ago
how can he say he loves me, when he doesn't even know me....but wants to love me for who I am...
Unknown "Darling Vi" Hopeless - 16 years, 7 months, 21 days ago
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a swing dance You have been given a swing dance.
Crafted by Unknown
Unknown "my bodyguard" Abused - 16 years, 1 month, 1 day ago
damnit! I didnt even know you'd been on! :( *Sob, sniff*
a day off You have been given a day off.
Crafted by Sirian Black
Unknown "my bodyguard" Abused - 16 years, 1 month, 1 day ago

Bored without you You have been given Bored without you.
Crafted by Thais Menandro
Dannica incredulous as pancakes - 16 years, 1 month, 4 days ago
hey u bum
lots of icecream You have been given lots of icecream.
Crafted by Unknown
CYBER AKUMA "No Filter" check my auction - 16 years, 1 month, 4 days ago

Caffeine Wake Up! You have been given Caffeine Wake Up!.
Crafted by Maureen Sherman
Unknown "my bodyguard" Abused - 16 years, 1 month, 7 days ago

Cuff Me... You have been given Cuff Me....
Crafted by Rain Wolf
Unknown "my bodyguard" Abused - 16 years, 1 month, 8 days ago
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Unknown's shop

Lots of interesting things...nothing mushy.

Buy my pretty things little

mmmm donuts
1 use

150 pts
mmmm donuts
Bought by 18 people
tied to you
1 use

200 pts
tied to you
Bought by 17 people
Birth to a Xenomorph....
1 use

150 pts
Birth to a Xenomorph....
Bought by 15 people
A purr from Catwoman
1 use

200 pts
A purr from Catwoman
Bought by 46 people
Sweet Dreams from Freddie
1 use

200 pts
Sweet Dreams from Freddie
Bought by 12 people
I surrender...take me!
1 use

250 pts
I surrender...take me!
Bought by 10 people
Multi Pass
1 use

250 pts
Multi Pass
Bought by 54 people
Pop it...???
1 use

185 pts
Pop it...???
Bought by 15 people
Naughty, Naughty Boy....
1 use

175 pts
Naughty, Naughty Boy....
Bought by 61 people
Bite me
1 use

200 pts
Bite me
Bought by 39 people
seduced by Angelina Jolie
1 use

300 pts
seduced by Angelina Jolie
Bought by 33 people
Tribute to Heath Ledger. RIP
1 use

100 pts
Tribute to Heath Ledger. RIP
Bought by 100 people

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