living in the country there is not much to do so i take walks around the property(which i havnt fully explored yet) i find deer traps (the hard way) streams and beautiful sights of nature and one day when i was exploreing i found myself in a part of the wood on my property that i hadnt been to yet and i got scared because i wasnt paying attention to how i'd got there but i still kept walking my dog was with me and she seemed to konw her way so i followed her we reached a tree where it met the stream and we sat there and watched it, the snow was very cold on my tush by the way but for some reason it didnt boather me then i saw a deer walking through the wood i m guessing it was going to eat something or coming back from eating, it stopped and looked at me as i got up and it didnt seem scared either i didnt go closer tho i wanted to i just watched and then my dog came up from haveing a drink in the stream and saw it, at that moment the deer took off i let my dog guied me home all i said was lets go home and she took me there i remembered the way since then but i havnt seen the deer since then i still have hope of seeing it again mabye in the spring or summer but for now i think it's best just to let it be.
Unknown Sexy
- 17 years, 1 month, 16 days ago