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"jack sparrow"

Last login: over 3 weeks ago

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Herds: psh...ya, i'm a GUITAR HERO, Cap'n Pete's Thumb Ship, Pastafarians, I am always broke, Stray Pets Sanctuary, C.L.I.T.
22602 pts
Unknown's tales
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Captain's Log-04/01/08-
Stowaway! Yes mates I found a stowaway and I dont want him and cant get rid of the landlubber. Why has the Great Neptune forsaken me and forced this blight upon me? I didn't ask for nor do I want him. Hopefully, some siren will come along and snatch him of my ship at some point.
Unknown "jack sparrow" Adventurous - 16 years, 11 months, 10 days ago
Captain's Log-03/29/08-
Freedom at last but odd now that it's here. My last owner sold me today but thats alright cause now someone new can be my owner. It is time to travel the seas once more. Having recently left the port of Savannah, Ga, I am currently sailing in dangerous waters...the 9-5 job.
Unknown "jack sparrow" Adventurous - 16 years, 11 months, 13 days ago
Captain's Log-01/26/08-
Today we made landfall and it was good to get off the ship and stretch my landlubbin legs. Sometimes I think they just want to do the exact opposite of what I need them to do. We had our picture taken by the natives...arrrgh you see it? They do good work. After that we resupplied and were off again.
Unknown "jack sparrow" Adventurous - 17 years, 1 month, 9 days ago
Captain's Log-01/25/08-
Today I have made an observation and I don't like it. Jealous owners...not necessary. I find it rude and slightly flattering at the same time. Have no fear I am not here to steal your precious pets away...unless they ask me to. Har Har Har
Unknown "jack sparrow" Adventurous - 17 years, 1 month, 12 days ago
Captain's Log-01/19/08-
Thar be snow on the ground me mates and it's still coming down now as I jot this log. This ole sea dog ain't afraid to admit he likes it, although it can make navigation a hazard. Yarggh!! Gives me a good reason to stay in port and and work on me rum drinking skills.
Unknown "jack sparrow" Adventurous - 17 years, 1 month, 18 days ago
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Erika Selby
Havent heard anything from you in a have you been?
Erika Selby "celtic cru" Cheeky - 16 years, 15 days ago
Erika Selby

You have been given ~♥Happy New Year♥~ .
Crafted by unknown
Erika Selby "celtic cru" Cheeky - 16 years, 2 months, 5 days ago
Erika Selby
Exactly...I just got back from seeing my family...and it was strange seeing how big my two younger sisters have 15 year old sister is as big as me, its scary. It was fun though...the drive home was an sisters boyfriend was sick the whole way home and we drove through snow half that way. LOL but we made it home in one piece!
Erika Selby "celtic cru" Cheeky - 16 years, 2 months, 5 days ago
Erika Selby
I've been good, thanks. And I was ready, until it was Christmas Eve night...then I was kinda in a didnt really feel like it should be Christmas cuz I wasnt with my family. But my Christmas was awesome. I spent most of the day with my boyfriend and his family. How was your day?
Erika Selby "celtic cru" Cheeky - 16 years, 2 months, 12 days ago
Erika Selby
Hello =) How have you been?
Erika Selby "celtic cru" Cheeky - 16 years, 2 months, 14 days ago
Erika Selby
Im spending the day with my boyfriends family is in New York and I couldnt afford to go up there, but I will see them on Christmas =) Im making a chocolate cheesecake to bring with me. Im definitely going to be pigging out. And Im one of those insane people who is going shopping at the crack of dawn on Black Friday with my best friend. I hope that you have a good holiday =)
Erika Selby "celtic cru" Cheeky - 16 years, 3 months, 12 days ago
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Unknown's shop
Cap'n Matt's Treasure Chest

Here be an assortment of goodies and treasures I have collected on my various adventures on the high seas. Everything you need to be arrrgguably the best pirate around!!

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Lady Pirate Jewelry
1 use

400 pts
Lady Pirate Jewelry
Bought by 18 people
Instant Pirate Kit
1 use

750 pts
Instant Pirate Kit
Bought by 4 people
1 use

400 pts
Bought by 5 people
The Black Spot
1 use

250 pts
The Black Spot
Bought by 4 people
Diamond Ring
1 use

700 pts
Diamond Ring
Bought by 2 people
The Good Ole Jolly Roger
1 use

250 pts
The Good Ole Jolly Roger
Bought by 2 people
1 use

600 pts
Bought by 0 people
Pirate Guardian
1 use

350 pts
Pirate Guardian
Bought by 4 people
1 use

350 pts
Bought by 0 people
1 use

650 pts
Bought by 0 people
Treasure Map
1 use

350 pts
Treasure Map
Bought by 10 people
Haul of Treasure
1 use

300 pts
Haul of Treasure
Bought by 6 people
Make 'em Walk the Plank
1 use

550 pts
Make 'em Walk the Plank
Bought by 6 people
Guitar Hero
1 use

400 pts
Guitar Hero
Bought by 1 people
Navigational Compass
1 use

400 pts
Navigational Compass
Bought by 8 people
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