
Name: |
Mister Awesome, 48/Male
Last login: | over 3 weeks ago |
Local time: | 10:15 PM |
Join date: | 17 years, 2 months, 18 days ago |
Location: | Vancouver, British Columbia Canada
"THUMS MY HERD. Johns herd" |
About me:
Thumb my herd http://humanpets.com/herdProfile.php?hid=18062 Thanks. Let me know that you did & I will try to RTF if you have one. Same goes for my mindlessly random tales. I am in my 30s. I am far too smart for my own good, and have been told I am cocky. I tend to look at it as "almost always right". I seem to have two completely different personalities...and it often depends on who I am talking with which personality comes out. Theres shy, friendly, sweet, caring, pleasant, adorable...but apparantly undesireable to the opposite sex me. Theres bold, blunt, daring, pervy, cocky, and apparantly too dangerous for females to take a chance on me. Neither one of my mes has figured out women in any way shape or form....and like I said, I consider myself quite smart. I work for myself as a "celebrity memorabilia specialist" (laymens terms- autograph hound). If I truly want a pet bad enough, I will work to get them back, correct? I play this game for amusement. IF you steal one of my pets, I wont blow a gasket & hunt you down & kill you, your family, your pet dog, his fleas & imaginary friends. I occasionally steal pets for several reasons 1- because I reallllly want that pet. 2- because you annoyed me somehow & I am going to take something from you. 3- people who post "dont take my pets, or I will exact revenge & steal all your pets" types, I like to see how serious they are....so far, none have. 4- because I was talking with your pet via private messages on here, and I decided in the end I wanted them.
About you:
Who I would like to meet eh? Well, I wont beat around the bush. I am almost always looking to try & meet someone....I just apparantly suck at doing that. So, feel free to say hi... I wont bite...unless you want me to. For the females..... *non-smoking. non-tattoed. -The first two are etched in stone, unnegotiable *younger than me. non-drinker, no weird piercings, smart. -Those are what I call "highly sought after" long as you have a couple of those, and all of the first group, you're probably golden. *sports fan, a horny virgin (ok, I realize I might as well ask to see God because it likely doesnt exist), is able to do things without asking me if its ok, has a life of their own & can take care of themselves...but still depends on me a little sometimes, not obessed with material things, a bit of a movie fan, wont force me to do things just because they like doing them. - These are all "it would be a nice bonus". They completely wont make me love you or hate you, but they can most certainly.
Looking for: | Friendship and dating |
Orientation: | Straight
| Herds (lead): | Johns herd of pets & friends., Sex For Sale herd- game, Title change pending, Jenesse & Johns' herd | Herds: | ~~CANADIAN HERD~~, Nerds are Sexy, MASTER / MISTRESS / slave / sub, Bondage Temple, VIVA BDSM-S&M-D/s, BDSM Pets, Pet Thieves, *Rough**Rough*, NHL Hockey, Petition for Davina, Heaven Is Closed For Now, ✬Thumbs for Vonny Von✬, TLC'S BDSM Tales and More |
"Johns pet"
350073 pts
"Johns plaything"
4469 pts
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Mister's tales
I have been gone approximately 120 days according to when my last tale was written. Lots has changed for me since then, unfortunately most of it bad. Had 2 different friends ask me to come in here & just leave a hello because allegedly people were asking about me....even though theres all but 1 whole post on my wall since I was here last lmfao. I guess my absence from here is partly to do with working so much. First summer in a long time that I was working a lot during it. Also been busy trying to get my site up to a moderately competent level. Hoping to build its success on hockey, but so far its success has been based on Twilight movies. But, you gotta start somewhere, right? Health wise. I am doing shitty. Several major signs suggest I have diabetes & even though I havent gone to get tested yet, the reality is that a sudden change in my diet has helped, unfortunately, that means eating a lot less of foods I absolutely loved. My knee has for the first time since I injured it 20 or so yrs ago, given me major problems lately. Feels weak, and I am constantly shifting the majority of my weight to my "good" knee, also known as the less problematic one right now. Shoulder ailment I had 2 summers ago came back & bothered me for awhile. I am keeping my eye on that closely as well. Teeth got worse as well, but I knew that was coming at least. Anyways, thats a cliff notes version for those asking.
Mister Awesome Daring
- 15 years, 4 months, 22 days ago
I have been on the computer A LOT today. Not doing to weel this week. Have an unknown physical problem, might be a pulled muscle, might be kidney related, definitely has made me tired, weak & sore. Soooooo, I decided to come in here & look around.....saldy, thats probably going to take up less than 5 mins of my time.
Mister Awesome Daring
- 15 years, 8 months, 22 days ago
I should probably just purge this site from my favorites. I've only been here like 3 times in the past month or so.
Mister Awesome Daring
- 15 years, 9 months, 3 days ago
today ended the longest HP absense I can recall. My profile said last visit was "within 2 weeks" meaning it had been over a week...which I dont ever remember doing before. Have to say, I am just not overly drawn to here on a daily basis anymore.
Mister Awesome Daring
- 15 years, 10 months, 7 days ago
I havent had a tale for awhile I noticed. So here is a new one. The Twilight hounding is winding down & for the mostpart, I am calling it a success. Even the originally seemingly unfriendly KRisten Stewart, eventually eased up & became easier. Of course, its not over yet, but with much of the main cast now gone, it seems like its over, with just the big 3 (Pattinson, Lautner & Stewart) being the only ones around most of the time now. What am I gonna do when this finally wraps?
Mister Awesome Daring
- 15 years, 11 months, 12 days ago
Johns less innocent shop of fun
Need something more severe for one of your pets? I might be able to help you here.
Most recent customers:
leaving hp...
Wild Angel
"*Spirited Angel*"
700 pts
Fabulous Day 😊
MiSs PiXiE
"my kitty purrrss"
50 pts
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