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Unknown | - Free online hangout and friends
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Unknown's tales
Ok Ok I keep finishing the little rectangular boxes of ranting & then coming back I will stop I swear. But I said I was going to make a story and I will. it is:
Today, I was walking to an ATM machine, (if you know me & have spoken to me lately you'd know thats not true because I lost my damn card last week & had to cancel it but do that suspension of reality thing that I always do when life gets too tough to handle the truth) when I was accosted by a polar bear. The polar bear said he had his little polar bear cubs down the street in a port a potty and thats why they werent with him but that they hadnt eaten all day & the salmon supply at the Inner Harbor was scant this year. So I figured well he's coming up to me at an ATM machine because obviously he thinks I'm going to be getting money out and he wants to use it to buy fish.
I asked him, if I give you money are you going to use it to buy your cubs some food? The bear solemnly swore that it was his only intention. That he knew of a good seafood place right up the road & whatever I'd give him would go entirely to feed his young uns. So I said Alright I'll see what I can give.
I entered my pin # then I realized aw crap I dont know my pin #. Thats why I have to write everything down. So I started rifling through my purse, knwoing that I usually keep something in there to write on to remind myself where I'm going & why. Like a notepad or my ipod touch or the back of an envelope or my hand or wtvr.
Well I didnt see anything with my pin # or any reminder written down & I already left my cell phone AND ipod touch at my ex's house (that part is true) last week so all I could do was either guess another pin & risk having the machine eat my card or explain my pathetic situation to this poor, non-heroin addict polar bear & hope he wouldnt maul me to death.
(gotta finish this later)
Unknown "Sunny" - 16 years, 7 months, 19 days ago
I just realized that "story" didnt follow any of the guidelines for stories. I'm a horrible, horrible person and all I can do is just hope that nobody has or will read this. Which brings me back to my why the hell am I posting stuff on here that I dont want anyone to read? And why dont I just either NOT post it or completely make everything up? Simple reason. I am THAT bored. Like I think I mentioned once, bored enough to go back to the VA hospital just for kicks.
Unknown "Sunny" - 16 years, 7 months, 19 days ago
Once upon a time, I went out to go get a job just to see what would happen even though my memory functions minute to minute (most of the time) and even though I have headaches that keep me laid up like the best little ho in texas. Just so it would look like I was trying.
Thats what I'm going to do tomorrow. Just apply at some job and not let them see the tumory side of me, then they see my qualifications & are like oh wow, youre probably a dedicated worker, as well as experienced and educated. Then like 2.4 minutes into my 1st day I become my usual self & they're like wtf?
Then I go "Dont worry, I've got hydrocodone!" So I get out of pain and start acting slightly high and goofy but the codeine makes my memory even worse (hardly possible) so my new employer thinks he's hired Mr. Magoo.
Dont you have to be over 65 to know who Mr. Magoo is?

Unknown "Sunny" - 16 years, 7 months, 19 days ago


You have been given Hello friend.
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Bill Tired - 16 years, 7 months, 15 days ago
You have been given soothing massage.
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Unknown ":)" Crazy - 16 years, 7 months, 19 days ago

Thanks for serving!

B-more RAWKS!
Unknown "My PET" Sad - 16 years, 7 months, 25 days ago
hAD NOT HEARD IT CALLED MURDERMORE before. Do you get down to little Italy much? I used to work at Babuschis, and we used to hang at a bar near the art college called the Irish Pub(real original)
You have been given Jose Cuervo.
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Unknown ":)" Crazy - 16 years, 8 months, 1 day ago
How's life in btmore hon?(born there) I miss the food the people there soo much.
You have been given sunshine on a rainy day.
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Unknown ":)" Crazy - 16 years, 8 months, 3 days ago
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