HHHHEEEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYYY!...your not nice!!!...you know what your more of a DORK than i'll ever BE!
"Dork :)"Curious
- 17 years, 1 month, 14 days ago
i ALREADY told you i'm the kindest person ALIVE!!.....anyways Baaaybeee!HA your SOOOO original!...Cant you make up your own insults....HAHA I DONT have a drinking problem! YOU AND JESSICA both have a very very very dangerous one! ITS SOOOO dangerous that your in denial!!! PS the next step is Acceptance i have never done anything bad! the only time i have ever had something to drink was that...ONE time in GmY...and it...----..OMG Jam was drunk just by drinking a tiny sip,....she couldnt sit properally...lol...------ was jessica's not mine!!!! anyways..baaaybeee.....yes i like that nickname.... i will be the best teacher EVER!
"Dork :)"Curious
- 17 years, 1 month, 14 days ago
OMG! LOOK WHAT I FOUND! and you told us that you dont do this stuff!