I don't check here very often anymore... but, you can never have too many friends, and it can be nice meeting new people, so hollar at me if you: have a sense of humour, are openminded, have a brain (extra credit for correct grammar and spelling), have a heart (kind); don't be a biggot, don't be a jacka**, don't be a creep, and we will get along just fine. Oh, and DO NOT add me as a FB friend until we have actually talked and become acquainted.
I asked Jamie to put together a video for our song Journey's End (the song we wrote and I recorded). After much blood, sweat, tears, losing all his work once and having to begin again, this is the BRILLIANT result. Enjoy. I do recommend having a box of tissues on standby.
Unknown"My Goddess(NFS) "Growling
- 16 years, 7 months, 4 days ago
I've DISCOVERED my new "Anthem".
Unknown"My Goddess(NFS) "Growling
- 16 years, 10 months, 18 days ago
Just a quick update for everyone here. U'm...
I'm pregnant again!! I didn't know until I went in for abdominal surgery and they told me they couldn't do it because I'd tested positive for being pregnant. The doc felt around on my tum and said he figured somewhere between 18-20 weeks!
Now, you may well wonder how I didn't know... but, with me nursing Fairlight I hadn't had a period, so there wasn't that clue. Second, I've been having pelvic pain and abdominal bloating since giving birth to Fairlight 10 months ago (thus the reason I was going for surgery in the first place), so I didn't right away suspect anything because of that. I had felt some movement in there, yes; but I chalked that up to something being in there that shouldn't be, you see. Furthermore, I had taken a home test the week before the surgery-that-didn't-happen, and it was negative (apparently, by that time, I was too far along for a home test to be accurate).
So...u'm...yeah. Expect me around here even less. LOL.
It's a damn good thing that human pets are better at taking care of themselves than the other kind. Otherwise, y'all'd be dead.
*smoochies* Unknown"My Goddess(NFS) "Growling
- 16 years, 11 months, 4 days ago
"All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn't hurt." - Charles M. Schulz
Unknown"My Goddess(NFS) "Growling
- 17 years, 24 days ago
Again, I appologise to my pets and friends on here for being MIA. I really haven't been feeling well lately (same ol' health issues which I simply have to wait for the NHS to eventually sort out), and, honestly, there are days that it is a chore to get out of bed, let alone get on here. My FB activities are now pretty much confined to checking and responding to any messages I might have and to play Scrabulous. Also, Fairlight - who has been teething for what seems like ages - keeps me busy (she's the main reason I make myself get out fo bed...she really gives me no choice in the matter, lol). Truth be told, as well, I've become sort of disenchanted with HP. I've gone so far as to consider just quitting it altogether, but, I suppose, I'm not quite ready to do that...yet. However, I know that if I do, I won't "lose" the fabulous people I have met on here. I'd still be on FB, afterall. And, as for my pets, I'd make sure not to just abandon you; I'd leave you in good - and trustworthy - hands. :)
Anywho...anyone who wishes to can message me. I'm not difficult to find for those who look.
*snuggles and smoochies* Unknown"My Goddess(NFS) "Growling
- 17 years, 25 days ago