In the wise words of Drew Barrymore in the film Never been kissed.
Someone once told me that to write well you have to write what you know. This is what I know .....
Im 19 years old. I have never really had an easy childhood. I was neally killed before i even turned ONE !! How you may ask, My Mother was running me a bath and i sneakly climbed up the stairs to the stairgate and rattled it, what happened next (so ive been told ) I pulled the stairgate down on me and fall down the stairs with the stairgate landing on top of me , and my mother who rang out to get me fallen on top of that. Luckly all i came out with was a broken nose which but i have a perminate scar on my nose remind me of .
Next lets move on to my Father,Everything a man shouldnt be !! A Sailor in the Royal Navy.His name Anthony Hearn. I guess you could say he was never really their for me, He spent most his time away from home , or coming home drunk and using my mum as a punch bag. I dont remember him,but i do know that he never really loved me or my mum. I have been told so many stories on what he was like, that im glad i cant remember him, from what ive been told he was nothing but a lying, abusive wife beater. Someone who got his kicks from hitting his wife & daughter, someone who stole of my mum and someone who cheated. Thankfully he walked out when i was 2 and ive never heard from him since.
You may ask do i think of him ?? I do someday i wish i knew him but other days i despise him !!
Would i ever meet him ?? NO
Why ?? Where has he been for 17 years of my life need i say more.
Next lets move on to my Mother, A Hero in my eyes, An Angel who sadly lost her battle to cancer At the age of 40 !!. Her Name Della Tredgett. Their so many things i want to say about her but, this blog isnt big enough to express how much she did for me. So instead im going to put a poem in memory of her here.
Mother you were the nicest, you were always there for me
You sung me nursery rhymes as you bounced me on your knee
You did everything that you could for me then left me on my own
The angels wanted you with them so they came and took you home
No one could ask more from their mum than what you did for me
Every day you gave me time, our closeness all could see
You cuddled and cherished me as a mother always does
Supported me in everything and often gave me a shove
You wiped my tears when I cried and laughed at all my ways
I reminded you of you when you were in your youthful days
I know I tried you with my moments as every child does
When life can get too much to bear in all the tear and rush
But you were there for me whenever I needed you
Sadly I never told you just how much I loved you too
And now it is too late, for your arms I can no longer feel
I should have told you when I could that my love for you was real.
This women touched the life of so many people, she never gave up even though she knew the cancer was terminal. My Mother ran marthaons while ill and raised over £4000 for the cancer unit that helped her. She battled this horrible illness for 8 years and in the end it toke my precious mother away. I do miss her everyday, After all i ended up being her full time carer near the end, it was always me and mum (specially after my stepdad walked out but thats another story for another blog), It is hard to grow up without no parents. I always thought my mother would be their to see me have my first child, get married , even to see my 18th birthday.Sadly she never made it and lost her battle a few days before my 16th. She will forever be missed and always in my heart. xxx xx
Next i move on to my baby brother Hayden Paul Tredgett, Sadly he was stillborn (born and died in the womb) . It broke my mothers heart when they told her, and how i longed to be a big sister. I was only young when he died but i still have the scars , the memorys of having to see his body be taken away from my mothers arms. So as you can imagine my dream of becoming a big sister was never ment to be. My mother had suffired countless miscarriages before Hayden, After that was when she found out she had cancer and couldnt have any more children, So i grow up a lonely child. Every 1st April i mourn the death of my brother, all though his soul never grassed this earth , i believe his spirt lives on.
This is a poem i wrote in memory of him...
Far In The Distance, I See a small figure
Who is this boy I see before me?
I Know him, He has my blood
Such a beautiful Child, he is running to me
As i see him,I run to hold him
I Lock my arms around him and shed a happy tear
As i hold my brother in my arms i feel no fear
Knowing that for this one moment no pain i will feel
Not a soul around, Not a word said
reuinted with my brother needs no spoken words
I sit in the corner, Just a look and a smile is all i need
He sits netx to me, Looking at me with love
Five Little words he whispers in my ear
"I Love you big sister" I break down, I freeze
I pull him close and tell him the love i feel
My brother dear, How i miss you so
Turn Back The clock and change the past
So we can look to the future and forget the past
To erase the hurt and the pain without you here
Make new memories of a lifetime with you near?
So Could We Start again please? Thats all i ask
Make New Memories and forget the past
Right well i think thats enough for my first blog, but im going to end this by telling you two of my main regreats as a child .
1, I regreat never showing my mother everyday i loved her
2, For hurting my mum in times when all she really needed was a cuddle
I sometimes lie awake at end, and wonder whether my mum would be proud of me now, What have i achived so far in my life ?? I know im not perfect but is anybody now days ... ??? I know deep down my mum would be proud , even if i havent proberly lived my life yet, i know that so far she would be proud of what ive achived !! So what have i achieved well thats for another time and another blog ..... xxxx
Danielle "Pink Princess" Adored
- 16 years, 5 months, 5 days ago