dimonds are precious so are pearls but nothing compares to us OXFORD GIRLSSS!! Unknown"One true love"Ecstatic
- 16 years, 11 months, 22 days ago
...michal!michal was a big strong cat who loved his reggae music, smoking a good cuban and jamming.he was also known as jammin'. michals profession was a secret to them all, he was too into it all but he really did enjoy his job, he was an assassin for the Russain mafia and he loved to kill them bad rats..... Unknown"One true love"Ecstatic
- 17 years ago
...that red waist coat was magic and allowed him to fly and all other really cool stuff, it also allowed him to have thumbs ( he didnt have them because he really is a cat!) and cook and clean. He was a really happy little boy and he had many friends, his best friend was.... Unknown"One true love"Ecstatic
- 17 years ago
hello i really dont no what to write, but heres a tale, once apon a time there was a little boy called smokey and he was a very special little boy because he wore a red waist coat.........tbc Unknown"One true love"Ecstatic
- 17 years ago