You never realise how much u miss the simplest of things until u dnt have them! Like physical touch....... just having someone's hand in yours... their arms around ur waste.........just the contact with someone you care about! withouth it, u feel cold and seperated! Also, the voice of someone you hold dear! Just hearing it can bring a smile to my face regardless of how crappy I've been feeling! And finally, seeing them...... not just in pictures but there in front of you, smiling and moving about and doing everyday things........ All of these are taken for granted when u have them but are the things u miss the most when you have to do without them!
If there is one bit of advise I could give to everyone that I have learned its to make the most of every moment! The world and Life wont slow down for anyone! A week will fly by and will be packed with so much that u may just let it pass u by, but thats when u become a by-stander, watching the game! Life is for living, for enjoying and sharing! Try and make the most of every second because it all counts! If there is something u really want to remember when you're older, write it down! keeps photos of people you fall out with and ex's because one day u wont remember why you fell out or wot they looked like! But most of all.............
..... tell that one person in your life how you feel about them!
If you love them, tell them every day, regardless of how it may seem to u!
Make the most of the fact that u can tell them!
Never hold back because you can always change the future but never the past! Be happy and smile! If you can't do that, then work out why not a make the changes yourself! Dnt wait for someone else to come along and do it for you! But never be afraid to ask for help!!
Life is not a rehearsal......... this is it!!!!
I don't profess to know everything about life....I'm still learning myself but I think that its about time we started doing wot people have done for years which is pass on things we have learnt to each other! otherwise nobody will ever understand life!!!
Annie "Angelcake" Loving
- 16 years, 9 months, 25 days ago