Michael Matern
"Mike of course!"Dazed
- 16 years, 5 months, 12 days ago
MAWAHAHA!!! I just broke your wall's virginity... So any ways... MATNESSZOR!!! :D Charlene told me all about you! (that makes you feel paranoid doesn't it? O_o) So you play PC? That's mega awesome! Who's your favourite DotA hero? I must know!!! Mine's Death Prophet, and Furion, and Dazzle, but i liked the old Dazzle more... *poke* >.> <.< >.> I always wanted to do archery! Seeing your profile picture makes me even more annoyed that i can't. Have you ever """accidentally""" shot someone? It would bring me a sadistically strange amount of pleasure if you were to say yes... Z0r! Ahh you're Japanese looking! That's mega FTW! I always wanted to go to Japan... Do you hear that!? Yea me neither... ... I'm thinking of what name to give you, since you're my pet now! Haha that makes you my bitch! :P kidding, any way I wasn't kidding though :O No i'm only kidding i was totally kidding... Tell me a random fact about yourself! I'll do it too: I like eating gerkins..