- 16 years, 4 months, 29 days ago
Hi,. just dropped in to say Goodnight to you & hope I get another msg from you overnight so when i wake up & check my msg's that there will be another one from you. Hopefully it will tell me a little more about you too :-) Hope to speak to you soon, Goodnight & Sweet Dreams X S X
Hi, thank's for the compliment :-) So when are you going to put a photo of yourself up on your profile, now you have seen my photo's ??? Would like to know what YOU look like :-) Speak to you soon X S X
Hi, Yeah I love my Ferret's the 1st picture is Ziggy he's a Sandy & the 2nd picture is Titch she's a Polecat, on my profile pics. There great pet's, what happened to your's then :( ? X S X