“Ben!” She yelled through the door as she slammed her fist against it for the third time. “Where have you hidden them?” She stopped for a second to listen for an answer, but when none came, she continued to hit the bedroom door. “I’m running late! You know this is important!”
A click sounded and Rachel stepped backwards slightly as the door opened in front of her. Ben stood looking out at her behind narrowed eyes and a long fringe of hair that hung over his forehead. He stepped into the living room and shut the door cautiously behind him. Rachel looked at him suspiciously as he lifted one finger to his lips and pursed them, a signal for her to keep quiet. She rolled her eyes at him after realising that another one of his many conquests lay in the room behind him.
*20 Thumbs*
Unknown "Li'l Bob" Curious
- 17 years, 29 days ago