The Magical Mystery Tour of the Cheeky Bangin Herd: part I
It was a cold and dreary night, there was a strange odour, but it was Northwich and Maccy D's was open and Chad Kroeger had left his Gillette in the Dragon Force. The Cheeky bangin herd where mincing about as is there given want for an evening.
The cheeky banging herd were a man down so far this evening because the Peakatron was still at home having his seventh tea, which was swiftly being prepared by the Beef cooking bastard also known as Ted, but prefers to be referred as the BCB.
Meanwhile Potter, Leroy (aka the Player?!), Clivenator, Fiddy cent, Chad Kroeger, the Bear and some girl in an Evile t-shirt(who'll shall be referred to as poodle hair lover (Phil)for the rest of this tale) who has been following us round for a while! Bit weird, but we just rolled with it; Pre-spoonios Phil followed Leroy to Sainsbos to buy some Bifta's (as always Leroy was armed with a Cheeky Bifta)
While this occurred the rest of the herd, cheekily went into spoonios and rinsed themselves out on Wild Turkeys and Westons Medium Dry washed down with a couple of Buzzin Stellas!
Phil and Leroy crossed the road to spoonios, just as a wild Clivenator burst through the doors with Bulging eyes and with manic neck convulsions. Clivenator staggered off to try and get in the Anderton for a cheeky one, the bouncers commented on his bulging eyes and refused entry, so Clivenator whipped out his mobile phone and proceeded to Ring his wife Helen (who lives in the bowels of Hell aka Rudheath). That was the last we saw of him.
The rest of the herd promptly exited spoons to greet us. The bear seemed to have turned into a mute and was grinning like a Cheshire cat! Potter seemed to be most coherent as he had started the night in a reasonable fashion by sticking to the cheeky banging Fosters. Potter cried: Gannon let’s get some cheeky banging Newcastle’s down us, banging replied Leroy, Buzzin replied potter, the cheeky fucking banging buzzin replied Leroy.
So the herd minced of to Chimneas, as we got there the Peakatron arrived. Peakatron said: I've just seen Clive heading out of Tesco's with a Bag of Doritos and a box of crunchy nut cornflakes??? Chad replied: Wild Turkey nuff said! Peakatron then replied where's Leroy and Potter? Phil replied having a cheeky bifta round the corner.
The herd proceeded inside to rinse themselves out on Newcastle and Cheeky double JD's. Leroy, Potter and Fiddy cent entered after their cheeky bifta. Chad was air guitaring, sweating it up and getting low on the floor with a strange lizard faced man, the Bear was stood in a corner reading text messages, and the Peakatron was chatting up man beasts. We minced over to Peakatron; Peakatron’s eyes widened as he saw Fiddy cent. Peakatron whispered to Leroy: who’s that he’s bang tidy, I’d love to knock the back out of that. Leroy replied that’s Fiddy Cent the famous American rapper, he’s our token nig nog for the night I bought him in an auction of human pets. Potter and Leroy minced of to the floor armed with two Newcastles each acquired from the secret stash outside. Peakatron proceeded to grope Fiddy Cent who seemed to enjoy the fondling.
So Phil, Chad, Potter, Leroy and lizard faced man were thrashing around on the dance floor. When all of a sudden Leroy glanced at Potter, Potter knew what was coming and replied: FUCK of Gannon, but he knew he was easily succumbed to the Gannon ways. They immediately broke out in to an old man mince. Phil stopped thrashing around like she was stuck in the 80’s and joined in the old man mince, promptly Chad joined in and a Conga Line formed and within minutes the whole of Chimes was in tow and exited the doors and into the night............
Unknown "Leroy" Adventurous
- 17 years, 1 month, 5 days ago