BITCH PLEASE. I WILL KICK YOU MOTHER FUCKING ASS FOR IT! my back hurts like shit! And the floor was probably as cold as the ground outside!!!!! But yeah the house is like 5 seconds away from desiree's. You know the alley behind her house well my backyard is on that alley. Not toward the park but towards the highway, i'll just show you tomorrow or something. Maybe i can drive into town and hang out. Since the van is fixed. THANK GOD!!! call me tomorrow though, at like 10 atleast cuz i am SLEEPING THE FRICK IN!!!!! i ain't doing that 7 o' clock thing again!!!
I put that picture up of all us on desiree's thing when i was doing this HAHAHAHAH and yours. I don't think she even noticed. LATER DOUCHE! JK!
"chris's girl"Intrigued
- 17 years, 21 days ago
YOU IDIOT!! where are you? Are you still at Desiree's. YOU WERE FREAKING SLEEPING WHEN I LEFT YOU BIG MORON!!!! lol Oh and im moving like down the alley from Des so yeah i'll be able to hang out alot more now. Well ttyl. Im gonna go to bed since we got 5-6 hours of sleep last night. SINCE WE HAD TO SLEEP ON THE FLOOR...*COUGH,COUGH* HEATHERLYNN PARTINGTON. shotgun for bed next time!!!!!! LATER!!!
"chris's girl"Intrigued
- 17 years, 21 days ago
I just got home for spring break yesterday... today i might go on a road trip, that should be fun ha