
Name: |
Amanda , 55/Female
Last login: | over 3 weeks ago |
Local time: | 1:00 PM |
Join date: | 17 years, 1 month, 26 days ago |
Location: | Nottingham United Kingdom
"Domestic Goddess " |
About me:
Very happily married Mother of 2, full-time student, domestic goddess, compulsive volunteer, bantha-herder, thaumaturger, part-time magpie and a rejecter of labels. Try to do one thing each day that scares me and several that indulge me. Likes include anything sparkly, snuggling up with a good book, pointless but excessively romantic gestures, good food, learning anything new and my marvellous hubby and our wonderful kids. Dislikes include extremism of any kind, closed minds, people who believe everything (or indeed anything) they read in The Sun, greed and warm toilets seats...*shudder*
About you:
If you need someone else to tell you who you are or should be, chances are we wouldn't get along...
Looking for: | Friendship |
Orientation: | Unspecified
| Herds: | Donz's Pimped Possee! |
"Naughty Ninja"
207905 pts
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Amanda's tales
Hmmm - haven't been on here in a long while and it seems that the spam sellers have moved in. Joy. All I need to make my day is a badly written piece of drivel aimed at convincing me to hand over my personal details...
Amanda "Amazing" Annoyed
- 12 years, 11 months, 6 days ago
So I haven't been on HP in a long while and all of a sudden the boys have taken over in here?? How and when did that happen???
Amanda "Amazing" Annoyed
- 14 years, 20 days ago
And yes the puppy did grow some...and still growing!! Not quite ten months and he has is still the best dog in the universe as far as we are concerned!
Amanda "Amazing" Annoyed
- 14 years, 9 months, 4 days ago
Has been a very long time since I have written a tale and this is at least part of the reason why - a new and REAL pet, as opposed to a virtual one, in our household! His name is Dante and as far as I am concerned he is without a doubt the best puppy in the history of puppydom...not that I am biased at all of course!
Amanda "Amazing" Annoyed
- 15 years, 4 months, 5 days ago
For Donz - this was the view from our bedroom window at Scotland. The small island is called Factor's Isle and it is where Rob Roy imprisoned the Sheriff's Factor (tax collector) before relieving him of some £3,000 in taxes!
Amanda "Amazing" Annoyed
- 15 years, 8 months, 8 days ago
Am's Emporium
Random stuff for pets
Most recent customers:
❤️ always and forever
"My lovely"
110250 pts
"Evie Blue "
7777777 pts
"My Goddess"
104912 pts
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