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"♥Lu Lu♥"

Last login: over 3 weeks ago

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Unknown's tales
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joke of the day:
*happened in nutrition lecture when our lecturer was talking abt different fats in oils*
" there is cooking oil, vegetable oil, olive oil, palm oil. how and where do you get these from?"
i told my fren " you get palm oil from ur palm.. jux spread ur palm all over the pan to greese!"
*ltr on, our lecturer was saying examples of items which fats can be found in..*
" okay.. so there is oil, eggs, cheese, milk, butter ghee lard"
everyone is class started laughing.. because she said "butter gi lah" instead of ghee and lard. hahahaha.. HK lecturer.. must forgive he pronounciation. she's cute to try so hard.=)

poem of the day
"for thyself thus change,
to suit one elders' unchangeable eyes,
it's to cheat thyself.
To empty thyself from filled images of one's mind,
to an abyss.
To be in this cage of "homely matters",
thy only tumble forward;
Piercing thy stomach and squeeze thy chest,
thy loose and confuse self.
This twist and bends;
not on road of hills nor mountains,BUT!
O thee Dusk of Davinci's Moonlight Scream.
Wobbled, bewildered, frantic and begone,
a child thee become.
In party's anger, discomfort, mind and soul both weak,
thee only hate and be judging.
if Thee art to adult shall be,
thy elder not see.
for thee only to ask "O where art thou thy child? Thou not thy womb so laughter, no cheer, no songs so played on those black and white wooden tunes."
Should thy wait no longer?
for the warmth of breasts of thy Mary to return and see thus?
for this, thee with no control any longer."
Copyright @ lusquaredotcom.
Unknown "♥Lu Lu♥" Crazy - 17 years, 22 days ago
is it tails? or tales? i ask this cux tales is smth tt ppl tail behind after one's typed story.oh wells.. hmm.. today.. all of my plans screwed up.. was suppose to drink den drive @ src..den the drinking was pushed ltr in the night.. but i cant cux ive got exams tmr.. rahh! in which i cant study cux my brain keeps thinking abt nonsensical stuff.. or i can suddenly take up my hp and came whore with my maid and doggie (coco).so i end up here in the end.(ive really gotta stop being an addict to this baby com.) even calling it baby ald.. ngah!!=/ sighh.. my other dog bites now.. >.< no one dares to go near him..

Poem of the day:
"is love anything but control and authority?
twill not be.?
once someone loses him/her ownself's freedom and dignity,
thy not love no longer..
twill be right?
if thee lost control of own beliefs and rights,
crumbles into epiphany,
for thy weak and discouraged,
giving in to undust authority.
oh seemingly respect of thy elder,
this and there not love under this roof;
but only authority. art thy so to say?
so dry. so hollow.
thy yearn to learn how to love again.
be thou again.thus happy.
shant keep dreaming of thee emotions.
still yet, impatient with.
like.. nothing will ever get to thy heart ever again
till thyest freed thyself from this cage of thy own. "
-smth from my brain prickling on me. copyright@lusquaredotcom-
Unknown "♥Lu Lu♥" Crazy - 17 years, 24 days ago
hmm. i went back to sleep till 2:35Pm.. when kevin msged me to go to sch to meet him and charis for meeting. and it WAS ONLY 5 MIN.>.< KEVINNNN!!! *bite u* stressed lil kevin. awww... so stressed till he liddat.. so cute!! hahaa... but its just.. we cld hav talked on the phone.. =( i still felt like fainting too.. and i went under that hot sun.. THE EFFECTS IS HORRENDOUS..i started sneezing and coughing all over again.. POO... being sick is good for skipping classes.. but not good for these situations..u cant do much in the end..>. Unknown "♥Lu Lu♥" Crazy - 17 years, 25 days ago
hmmm.. feeling faint since yesterday afternoon.. well.. i woke up in the afternoon.. hahhaa..went to the airport to pick my parents up. i really forgot how hurtful and annoying they can be. and i thought that im already the most panic-ky.. when my mum was so much more.. =.="" she started talking so loud in my ald echoy hse.. sighh..parents. you cant live with them. you cant live without them.
so i am feeling faint... again they say im playing it.. =.= they are always in disbelieve. one day i die in bed all of a sudden den they wld? it had taken them 6 yrs for them to realise i was not faking depression. HAHA.6yrs too late PSYCHOTIC!! BUHAHAHAHA!! =Pp going to try and study now.. though my head is really spinning..lah lahh...i guess all in all.. i only can depend on myslef.i am my own responsibilty in both health, actions and goodness. =)
Unknown "♥Lu Lu♥" Crazy - 17 years, 25 days ago
10:29Am today.. rolling in bed..
11:59Am: finally got out of bed.. with a sudden outing with Shukky.
Me: but im still in my pjs.. 45 min can ah?
Shukky: yes.. u taking cab off course lah
Me: im going to steal my piggy bank.( my 6yr old present with 20bucks in it)
Shukky: im broke too!!msg me when you're leaving ur hse!
Me: there a traffic jam from the PIE entrance all the way outside my hse my dear.
Shukky: ha? really??
..12:05Pm ald.. mind u.. we were meeting @ PS @ 12:45PM and im still in my pjs.
Me: yah! there's a contruction tt takes up 2 lanes. i go off first..cya!
...12:25PM out of shower and out..
Me: *in sms* im flagging down a taxi now.
Shukky: im walking to the MRT now..
Me: haha! report reporting!! im in the cab now.
Shukky: lol!! report! im lazy. i'll take a cab..
shukky calls..: eh where are u ah?
Me: im at.. isetan.. eh no.. wads tt president's place called ah?
Shukky: (didnt listen carefuly.) HUH? U'RE @ ISETAN? so far!! i go mos burger first. FOR SURE FULL ONE!c uu! ..hangs up.
Me: walks into 3/4 empty Mos.
Shukky: tt place is called istanna..=.=""
Me: HAHA!! OH!!! confusing lahh.. hehe.. u jux change the tan and the na ard u get either one.=Pp
...1:40Pm.. parted both ways..
...2:13Pm.. shukky msg..: WAH LAO! THE MEETING ONLY 5 MIN! shld hav gone back later!! im sleepy...
me: jus got hr ltr.. throw hot potato @ shukky to keep her awake..
shukky: throw fire crackers at me..

Unknown "♥Lu Lu♥" Crazy - 17 years, 27 days ago
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yo, thanks for petting Lu !
How are you doing ?
Em' Peaceful - 17 years, 11 days ago
Bryan Chong
wahaha..enjoy oh!
You have been given Breakfast With Jack.
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Bryan Chong "Coconut Tree" Gloomy - 17 years, 17 days ago
i thumbed u XD
my lil' herd is growing =D
Unknown "malati mentali" Perplexed - 17 years, 26 days ago
Thanks for the pet! :)
You have been given Thanks.
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Unknown "iron fish" Cheeky - 17 years, 26 days ago
hahhaa. u must hav alot of pts to spare i guess.. =)) aww... =Pp
Unknown "♥Lu Lu♥" Crazy - 17 years, 28 days ago
haahaa...your bed bought you back, bye bye ex-pet
Unknown 一点 两 点 三点红~ - 17 years, 28 days ago
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