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"My Ikle Angel"

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Unknown's tales
"My Generation"

I wake up to another day,
and wish I lived near the Bay.
So the waves would clear my mind,
but in this world innocent people are hard to find.

I hear sirens and screams of pain,
our nation on crutches and many on canes.
Who is there that’s willing to fight?
Over every bad thing and what is right.

I don’t see them, they’re all asleep,
Just ignoring it and not getting in too deep.
Seeing more troubles coming our way,
and seeing the children just wanting to play.

War is almost upon us or is it already here,
Is it hidden in everything that we hold dear?
We are deceived by our wants and needs,
And thinking we get to heaven by our deeds.

Why are we so blinded by what we see?
Come down dear God hear my plea.
Show them your glory and your love,
Tell them to just look above.

The media has influenced us long enough,
So why don’t we think and start acting tough.
They don’t care about you or me,
All they care about is your money.

They’ve shown that sex, drugs, and looking great,
Are the only things we shouldn’t stop or hate.
When will we act justly and right?
instead of saying whatever and taking flight.

It’s time to stop looking at what we look like,
Start walking the walk and hiking the hike,
Who cares what people say about you,
They’ll never believe the things you’ll do.

This is your generation and mine,
I’d recommend you start walking the line.
The line that God showed us long ago,
to follow and not keep it on the down low.

He’s the only way to be saved,
He can help your road be smooth and paved.
It’s not always like that, you’ve got to keep on tight,
Then you will see the truth and what’s truly right.

Unknown "My Ikle Angel" Thirsty - 16 years, 11 months, 5 days ago
One weekend just before March break, a snow storm was expected to roll in the Friday afternoon, which was around the time when me and my Christian buddies were going to a retreat located about two and a half hours away from the location we were leaving from. I was leaving home and it was apparent that this snow storm was definitely going to happen since the snow was just dumping down. Though the snow did not sway us from still going. As scheduled (miracle in itself since we use to always be running late!), we got on the bus and drove on following our pastor's vehicle.

mmm chocolate...sorry eating it at the moment... anyways back to the bus ride. We were just getting out of town and we came upon some traffic ahead...though for a very good reason...flares were something I saw first, and than the 4 to 5 car crash. There was black ice on the road (for those of you who don't have to worry about this issue; black ice is when the road is completely covered in ice and the light hits it just so that you can't see it. Once your vehicle gets on it, your now sliding with only hope of going straight at not crashing into the cars in the other lane, who may be skidding in your direction. )...anyways the bus driver decided to show us how slippery the road was and tapped his breaks and immediately the bus slid just slightly. The 4-5 vehicles either had their front ends smashed to pieces or their tires a good few feet away or smashed in some way or another. Luckily we got through it fine, some of the people who owned the cars were just standing around them, couldn't tell you whether any of them were seriously injured or not.

We continued onward until we hit the town we needed to be around in order to find the retreat location and one of our leaders tells the bus driver to open the bus door at a red light. So the bus driver lets him out, than the leader runs out and touches our leaders vehicle and runs back into the bus before the green light. The game is on! Vehicle tag. The next red light comes along, and our pastor light!...he can't do it, he'll have to wait till the next red light. Though he doesn't get the chance and we drive on.

Of course we had to drive an extra half hour out of the way! We have to turn around, so an hour later we finally come back to the same town and find the road we were suppose to turn at. Woohoo! An hour left and people start with the complaints, "are we there yet!" Maria, another leader, glares behind her, "who said that?!" and she goes to the back to shush the nonsense and impatient and rambunctious teenagers. About 6 or 7 adults on this trip and 28 teenagers = ...a load of fun!

We finally get there and we unload the bus, figuring out there was more snow up here than where we just came from, than play our first game. I hope I describe this well enough for you to understand the insanity of this game. What looks like benches pushed together (but actually a solid unit) to form a large plus sign in the middle of a barn and in the middle of these bench is a massive tube with ropes attaching it to the top of the ceiling. The game rules are set, there are four teams, one team per each end of the bench and one mascot per team to protect. The mascot is placed at the end of benches and two people per team are on the end of their bench per round. The team member at the end of the bench has to stand there and knock people off to protect the mascot, not with your fists but with a tube given to each member. Now the member in front has to move the massive tube in the middle to try and capture another team's mascot. The only time the defending member can move is when the first member gets hit off the bench. Than they become the new offense and a new member goes up to defend. Now there are three other teams with the same purpose, to get that mascot! Some people landing on their backs on or landing awkwardly and some people would push the massive tube in the middle to hit the other players, and then there is me. People would consider me an elegant and a small to average size sort of girl, but than you see me doing crazy things like grabbing the rope holding the massive tube and pushing sideways off the bench (airborne now) and using the massive tube as transportation and as a hitting method while I use my tube to hit the people off the bench. That was soooo much fun! I was than deemed 3/4 testosterone since I did crazy things like that with other games as well, and I protected the other girls from bugs by picking them up and chucking them outside.

There were other crazy games, but I may write tales about them later. Anyways the weekend went too fast though it snowed all day Saturday and the leaders were thinking we were going to get snowed in when we would have to leave Saturday afternoon. Sunday morning comes along and I decide to go outside around 8am and took my camera out to take some pictures, of course my camera couldn't capture the images I saw as nicely as I had wished but oh well, it was still awesome. The snow glittered with the sun and the snow was very lightly fluttering to the ground while the sun would give them a shimmer. Breath taking, wish you could have seen it. A leader and three other girls got to go tubing and had a blast doing that after lunch but than we had to leave, we didn't get snowed in luckily. Though I didn't want to leave. When we were leaving I heard that the road we took to get in and out to get to the retreat cannot be plowed. Instead a road grater has to come in and demolish the snow out of the way basically, which is quite out of the norm for most city folk since we're use to snow plows. We got safely home and had an amazing time. I hope you liked my tale.
Unknown "My Ikle Angel" Thirsty - 16 years, 11 months, 17 days ago
Born and raised in Southern Ontario. I've realized Southern Ontario people live hectic lives. Not as hectic as those who live with the disasters that have fallen upon them by the world itself like poverty, constant war and violence. I consider myself to be lucky to live in such a country that is not only beautiful in scenery but also in how safe it is. Though I am not sure how safe it will be in the future. As one man put it, "I do not know what the third world war will be like, though I know the forth will be fought with sticks and stones" since a quite a few people, I do not know how many, believe we'll have a nuclear war. Therefore we will not have much left, or anything at all for that matter. I sincerely hope that one day the leaders of our countries will realize that we do not need weapons to show our strength, but to just hold out a hand to show compassion and show bravery in looking past our differences and dealing with the troubles the world has. One way we could help everyone, is by giving up something we really don't need. Making that sacrifice to help someone else would mean a world to that other person and maybe for once we could break down the walls of poverty, violence, and whatever else may be standing in our way to be the best we can be. It doesn't have to be a dramatic turn, it can be giving up one thing at a time. Another man once said "If your not living on the edge, your taking up too much space" though it's no easy downsizing your house, your transportation, or your clothing stashes. We've grown so accustom to become as rich, as powerful, or successful as we can be...we've ignored what is really going on in our world. So the problems seem like nothing, they're swept under the rug...sooner or later people will realize. The rug can no longer hide these problems. If everyone took a small step, we'd make a great big one all together. Let's see what we can do to change our generation. Ready, set,GO!
Unknown "My Ikle Angel" Thirsty - 17 years, 9 days ago

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Joe Porga

You have been given flowers for you.
Crafted by Joe Porga
Joe Porga "Dark Angel" thumbing - 16 years, 4 months, 8 days ago
raf jankowski

You have been given pretty flowers.
Crafted by raf jankowski
raf jankowski "MIO1" Dazed - 16 years, 6 months, 1 day ago
raf jankowski

You have been given you make me go crazy.
Crafted by Unknown
raf jankowski "MIO1" Dazed - 16 years, 6 months, 4 days ago
Anytime and ty for the pet ;)
Unknown "Peanut" Cheeky - 16 years, 7 months, 26 days ago
Kevin Plantt
youre welcome............:-)
Kevin Plantt "Knight Kevin" Peaceful - 16 years, 8 months, 12 days ago
Matt Buffington
my pleasure
Matt Buffington "Matt" Eh..Whatever . - 16 years, 9 months, 23 days ago
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