It has become tradition to go out to steak and shake the night before Adam Sinopole goes back to wherever it is the Marines are sending him. This time it was Japan.
*Everyone sitting at table, I'm sitting next to Adam, Tim is across from us*
April- *looks over the glass edge* Our waitress is over there talking on her cell phone and smoking... x x
Adam and Tim* *both need more Tea*
*Joking around about this fact for about a half hour.. since thats about how long shes on the phone before we get really annoyed*
Tim- *starts making a paper airplane with the paper placeholders*
Me- *laughs* What are you going to do with that?
Tim- Nothing *grins and throws it towards the other side of steak and shake, it hits a window*
Adam- Go get it! I want to write a message. And send it to the waitress.
April- *laughing and goes and gets it*
Adam- I need a pen. I need to write I need more tea!
April- I can get you a crayon?
Adam- Go get one!
April- *Goes and gets a blue crayon* But you have to do it lolcats style. "I can has tea?"
Tim* *laughing* But don't spell out the word, just write the letter "T".
*Adam does this, then draws a sad face*
*Everyone laughing*
Adam- *Leans up against side of booth and positions to throw the airplane over his shoulder at the waitress*
Me- No, you're going to hit the glass if you throw it that way
Adam* *Repositions*
Me* Maybe...?
Adam- *Throws it, it hits a lamp and drops down*
*all of us cracking up laughing*
Adam- Go get it!
April- You go get it!
Adam* Fine! *Goes to get it, walks around side*
April- Throw it from there *laughing so hard she can barely breathe*
Adam* Comes back, laughing, standing up repositions and throw it at the waitress, then dives back into booth laughing, all three of us trying hard to be as close as we can up against the booth wall and not to be seen*
*Airplane hits *other* waitress. Very angry waitress*
*All of us dying and shes cussing*
Adam- Theres a message on it!
Our Waitress- "I can has T" What does that even mean?
April- Ice tea!
Waitress- You could have just said something
*we're all still laughing*
Waitress- *continues to smoke and talk on the phone for another ten minutes*
April- You know, I was thinking right as you threw the plane the second time, that this was probably a bad idea.
*More laughing*
Then the lady eventually came, with to go cups. Obviously she wanted us to leave ^^ However, now theres a twist! She started talking with Adam and I, and by now its about 3 in the morning. She wound up giving adam ten american dollars for some of his japanese yen, as well as asking us all these general questions about marines, where I worked, and seemed to like us.
Mechanical Angel "my Wench" Adored
- 16 years, 9 months, 11 days ago