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"Miss Toga"

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Unknown's tales
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15 Ways to Win a Girls Heart

1. Hugs from behind
2. Grab her hand when you walk next to each other.
3. When standing, wrap your arms around her and dont let go... unless you have to
4. Compliment her Honestly (dont lie)
5. Dont Force Her to do Anything
6. Write her little notes.
7. Cuddle with romantic way... dont strangle her!
8. Bring her flowers..... for no reason
9. Be super sweet to her.
10. DONT under any circumstance compare her to an ex - u would not like it
11. Comfort her when she cries.
12. Love her with all your heart.
13. Pick her up and flirt with her....she'll scream and say put me down but she'll love it really.
14. Be a gentleman...hold the door for her.
15. Always make the 1st move
Unknown "Miss Toga" Content - 16 years, 5 months, 17 days ago

Those born under the sign of Cancer, are one of the zodiac's enigmas. It is fair to say that most Cancers are a bundle of contradictions. Compassionate and caring with friends, family and lovers, yet they can cut to the bone with their jealous remarks and ever-changing moods. Endearingly eccentric on one hand, and on the other, insecure about how others see them. Like their symbol the Crab Cancers can appear hard and insensitive. However, for those of us who know and love a "Moon Child", we understand that below lies a softness and sensitivity that makes them so very special...

Just as the Moon goes through many changes as it moves from its new to full phases, Life doesn't stand still for this sign, even if they remain in one place. Their link with the Moon often makes it impossible for them to operate on an even keel from day to day. Up and down like the proverbial yo-yo, most Cancerians feel one way one minute, then sometimes totally different the next. But this is part of their charm.

Love and romance matter more than anything else to this sign (but this occasionally shares first place with having lots of money in the bank). No other sign romances better, equally though, no sign takes it so badly when romance turns sour either. with their changeable natures Cancerians are fascinating, mysterious, stimulating and extremely alluring. This sign is one of the most magic of all and once their magic has reached you, they are the best companions. After all, isn't the Moon the most talked about and romantic galactic identity?
Unknown "Miss Toga" Content - 16 years, 10 months, 27 days ago
spaces between words can be usefull sometimes, some companies that didn't spend quite enough time considering how their online names might appear.

1. 'Who Represents' - find the name of the agent that represents any celebrity -

2 . 'Experts Exchange' - where programmers can exchange advice and views -

3. 'Pen Island' - looking for a pen

4. 'Therapist Finder' - for anyone needing a therapist

5. There's the 'Italian Power Generator Company'

6. And don't forget the 'Mole Station Native Nursery'

7. And the designers at 'Speed of Art'
Unknown "Miss Toga" Content - 16 years, 11 months, 9 days ago

Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit
Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.
Unknown "Miss Toga" Content - 17 years, 17 days ago

1. When you are sad - I will help you plot revenge against the sorry ass who made you sad.
2. When you are blue - I will try to dislodge what is choking you.
3. When you smile - I will know you finally got laid.
4. When you are scared - I will rag on you about it every chance I get.
5. When you are worried - I will tell you horrible stories about how much worse it could be and to quit whining.
6. When you are confused - I will use little baby words.
7. When you are sick - Stay the hell away from me until you are well again. I don't want whatever you have.
8. When you fall - I will point and laugh at your clumsy ass.

This is my oath...I pledge it till the end. "Why?" you may ask, because you are my friend, well most probably my friend.
A good friend will help you move. A really good friend will help you move a body......
Let me know if I ever need to bring a shovel

Unknown "Miss Toga" Content - 17 years, 17 days ago
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hey sweetie, hope you feeling much better now but if you need anymore cuddles just let me know. see you at the weekend. night x x
good night sweet dreams♥ You have been given good night sweet dreams♥.
Crafted by Love Angel
Unknown "*sexy Scotsman*" Playful - 16 years, 10 days ago
Cuddles to make you feel better, see you later sweetie x x x x x
Cuddle Time You have been given Cuddle Time.
Crafted by Unknown
Unknown "*sexy Scotsman*" Playful - 16 years, 19 days ago
Hey sweetie, so how about we go to the wales game tomorrow??? x x x x
a trip to a rugby game You have been given a trip to a rugby game.
Crafted by Zilla
Unknown "*sexy Scotsman*" Playful - 16 years, 29 days ago

i wanna rock you... You have been given i wanna rock you... .
Crafted by Mihalis
Unknown "gorgeous" Inspired - 16 years, 1 month ago
Ime bored, fancy a holiday? x x x x x
You were taken on a trip! You have vacationed in Dubai.
Unknown "*sexy Scotsman*" Playful - 16 years, 1 month, 3 days ago

You have been given Vase of Pink Roses.
Crafted by Unknown
Unknown "gorgeous" Inspired - 16 years, 1 month, 12 days ago
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