I have no tales to tell i lived a common life with common pepole and common parents. Still i was brought up a lady. But i have loved someone with all of my heart and for me that is enough. Love is common as well one person looking for another person to feel safe with. Isn't that what love is? I at least i think so! I watched a show last night and at the end when the hero had saved her and of course she wakes up to see a gorgeous guy and she remembers that this person has saved her before when she was little. Of course he denys it beacuse thier needs to leave some mystry thier for a series. But she was scared and needed to be huged so she hugs him and for that moment in that show i knew exzactly how that felt. Truth to be told from time to time i need to huged by another guy other then family. I n that moment she felt safe. I am one of those few that have experienced that. And tell you what it feels wonderful.
Unknown "Sarah's"
- 16 years, 11 months, 3 days ago