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Unknown | - Free online hangout and friends
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"Westy :)"

Last login: over 3 weeks ago

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Herds (lead): Westy's herd of love!
Herds: The Mighty Boosh, P.T.A.
"Geek ;)"
140000 pts
78000 pts

"London ZOO"
2625 pts

"nasty pasty"
853 pts

"Mr T"
210 pts
"Big gianty Freak"
110 pts

"gordon brown"
110 pts
"office gimp"
70 pts

"Raki Stevo"
60 pts

"mother ahmed"
50 pts

50 pts

50 pts

50 pts

"Pope dish"
50 pts

50 pts
Unknown's tales
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Champions of Europe!! manchester la la la, manchester la la la. amazing night! thanks boys!!

Unknown "Westy :)" Cheeky - 16 years, 9 months, 18 days ago
An award winnig tale by Lucy and I! well by me mainly. Best parts are mine too:

One day there was a boy called jerome, jerome was one bad mother licker, however, ended up in a siberian prison. Siberia was extremely cold that time of year and Jerome wanted to snuggle with his cell mate, Psycho Jeff for extra warmth and psycho jeff became psycholy excited at the feeling of warmth, the warmth that could only be exchanged between two penguins in an artic storm. thats when jerome realised his arms were really flippers and as soon as jerome realised his arms were really flippers he made his way out to sea via a previously diggen escape route where he realised that his arms werent really flippers he had just had a bad trip off some LSD and munched his arms down to two little flappy stumps and preceeded to sink rapidly, then along came a sailors ship, but the ship was full of fetish loving pirates, yes. a fetish for boys with their arms nibbled down to stumps, who think they are seals, and have names beginning with 'j'.

I have to come up with a cunning plan to escape this evil fate, the plan i have come up with upto now, is to saw my legs off upto the knee, and paint myself green, and therefore make my self look like one of them big swimming tortoises, fortunately there was the first ever B&Q floating Sea store floating by 100 miles out at see so i purchased the green paint and saw for my legs. it was only as the floating store floated off again that i realised i had no frickin hands anymore with which to paint/saw with. Shit and soooo happened to also spot a floating hospital, swam there as fast as i could, but the hospital floated over me, and left me trapped under water, and so i died, end of story.

.......oooh but then i came back to life............dying was a strange time for me. i floated down a white tunnel to a bright light where at the bottom i met the Lord's representative.who was actually TV's very own Carol Smiley (didnt think i'd seen her in a while). she said there was a very special task for me back down on earth and sent me on my jolly well travels again after equipping me wil brand new arms and legs made from lollpy pop sticks and those little blue straws u used to drink milk with in infant school.

when i arrived back on earth, i realised i was in love with carol smiley, and desparately wanted to be back with her, so i set on my mission to kill myself, i looked around to see where i was, and i just couldnt make it out, so i found a fellow human being to ask , and he said 'eee aaah u is in manchestoh' i had never heard of this place before, however i saw a very very tall buolding in front of me, and so i set on my journey to climb to the top of the hilton, to fall to my death. when i got into hilton tower, i had to queue up for approximately 3 hours to get into the bloody lift by which time i was indeed very tired and the lift took me upto the bar instead where i ordered myself a small glass of wine. the bill came and i died of a heart attack and so can we end this story now?? cos i cant be bothere with it, and i dont like what our character had turned into, we have made him hav such a hard time! just think what he has been through in our story! its terrible!

Unknown "Westy :)" Cheeky - 16 years, 10 months, 9 days ago

Unknown "Westy :)" Cheeky - 16 years, 10 months, 28 days ago

Unknown "Westy :)" Cheeky - 16 years, 11 months, 8 days ago
I have a tale. A tale about a snail. The snail was bigger than the biggest killer whale. And this snail enjoyed a good sail in the yorkshire dales with his best friend the Quail.
One day the snail received a mail from far off sunny rochdale. When he read the mail he let out an enormous whail. For he was told that no good would prevail from this tale about the yorkshire dale snail, that was bigger than a whale, who liked to sail with his good friend the quail.
'But good will prevail' i told the snail 'because the veil will be lifted from your tail and reveal to all your sparkling trail'. And the snail exhailed, happy in the thought that his glistening trail would be unveiled and the good human petters would not fail to give the tale about his snail tail trail a thumb. Will he prevail? :-)
Unknown "Westy :)" Cheeky - 17 years, 29 days ago
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Unknown "Spirit" Bold - 16 years, 3 months, 1 day ago
Alexander Graesser
random comment #175) *burnt* You have been burnt
Alexander Graesser "Flambeaux" gone! - 16 years, 3 months, 24 days ago
hey gorgeous, miss talking to u :( was really nice to hear from u the other day hope we have a long conv soon ;) take care lots of kisses mate xD
Unknown "Superbad ;)" Thirsty - 16 years, 5 months, 1 day ago
i wanna buy u!!! still dont have enough points:(
Unknown "Geek ;)" Loving - 16 years, 5 months, 12 days ago
where are u man.....:(
You have been given Happy Dance ツ.
Crafted by Linda
Unknown "Geek ;)" Loving - 16 years, 5 months, 28 days ago

You have been given onion.
Crafted by Unknown
Unknown "Mermaid" Rabid - 16 years, 6 months, 27 days ago
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Unknown's shop
West's Wonderful World

errrr. a place that sells......things?!

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1 use

250 pts
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Please take care of me :'( xx
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260 pts
Please take care of me :'( xx
Bought by 19 people
I miss you * hug * xx
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250 pts
 I miss you  * hug * xx
Bought by 11 people
Man...u is UGLY!
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Man...u is UGLY!
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130 pts
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I can fight back!!!
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abused pet :'( Why damn you?Why
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200 pts
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Private Beach party
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200 pts
Private Beach party
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You're funny! lmao
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You're funny! lmao
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