God time is so slow!! It has been however many weeks since hubby left for Iraq, and time is dragging. I spoke to him the other day, and he was asking how me and Bagder were, and I said, hot, it's really hot over here. Lol, the reply I got was amusing! "Leanne, I'm in a f*****g desert" I thought this was very funny! He thought it was less so! But, he is doing well, and enjoying his work so I'm happy as I can be in this situation! Me and Badge go for lots of walks, and that's about it. I'm pretty bored. :(
Unknown "~Isis~" Sleepy
- 16 years, 10 months ago
Puppy Love.... Today is the 26th April, and my puppy Badger is 4 months and 10 days old exactly, and today, for the first time ever, I let her off the leash, and yes, I still have her. She came back to me everytime I called. I am so happy with her, so for the first time, I don't mind that she wants attention as soon as I settle down to eat, or as soon as I get up (not a morning person). I don't mind that she trails mud through the house, because she is sooo clever!! Ok, so there was no other dogs or people, but one step at a time eh?! We can work up to other dogs and people, because at the moment, she completely ignors me when something more interesting is about, but its a start!! I am so very pleased with her, and thought everyone should know just how proud I am!!! And she is much bigger than these pictures now!!! she is a giant!!!
Unknown "~Isis~" Sleepy
- 16 years, 10 months, 21 days ago
Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear The week after next, my husband of 17 months is going to fight in Iraq for the first time. I get lots of support from my friends but nothing can calm me down. I've heard a hundred people say "well, you married a soldier, you knew what you were getting into". I didnt!!! He told me he was NOT joining the army, and then proposed the week after. Once I had said yes, then he told me he had changed his mind about the army. And even if i had, how helpful is saying that?? All i want to hear is "don't worry, it'll be OK" I keep hearing things on the news and all sorts of awful things and i am so worried. I wish I were closer to my parents. I am a 3 hour drive away and i have only just passed my test, i cant do all that on my own. And anyone wanna guess the name of the tour he is going on?? Any takers? The R.I.P tour. Yes, what a pleasant name. I feel completely lost.
Unknown "~Isis~" Sleepy
- 16 years, 11 months, 7 days ago
Driving my way to freedom...... Well, I live in a little village, in the middle of nowhere. I used to live in London, where no one needs to drive, and certainly no one wants to, not with black cabs driving like loonies! anyway, i moved up here, to the midlands in October 2006 and the village is a 20 minute drive from anywhere. So I cant work, and I cant do anything without relying on other people. I started driving lessons in April 07, it took me so long because I was getting settled and making friends here. I passed my test on 4th April 08!!!! It has been a god-send. I drove my best mate Lisa to town on Saturday, parked all by myself in a multi-storey car park and handled Tesco car park too. Ive never been outside the village without having to owe someone, because im relying on them, there is no bus service so i cant even get a bus. Whoever said driving gives you more freedom was so right. I have never been happier. The tester that i had, was actually the guy that failed me first time, so i wsa so pleased when he said that I had done it. Yay!!!!
Unknown "~Isis~" Sleepy
- 16 years, 11 months, 10 days ago