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"Knows how to..."

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Unknown's tales
If you hate the taste of wine
Why do you drink it 'til you’re blind?
And if you swear that there’s no truth and who cares
How come you say it like you’re right?
Why are you scared to dream of god
When it’s salvation that you want?
You see stars that clear have been dead for years
But the idea just lives on

In our wheels that roll around
As we move over the ground
And all day it seems we’ve been in between the past and future town

We are nowhere, and it’s now
We are nowhere, and it’s now
You took a ten-minute dream in the passengers seat
While the world it was flying by
I haven’t been gone very long
But it feels like a lifetime

I’ve been sleeping so strange at night
Side effects they don’t advertise
I’ve been sleeping so strange
With a head full of pesticide

I got no plans and too much time
I feel too restless to unwind
I’m always lost in thought
As I walk a block to my favourite neon sign
Where the waitress looks concerned
But she never says a word
Just turns the jukebox on
And we hum along
And I smile back at her

And my friend comes after work
When the features start to blur
She says these bars are filled with things that kill
By now you probably should have learned

Did you forget that yellow bird?
How could you forget your yellow bird?

She took a small silver wreathe and pinned it onto me
She said this one will bring you love
I don’t know if it’s true but I keep it for good luck
Unknown "Knows how to..." Evasive - 16 years, 6 months, 11 days ago
The rain, it started tapping on the window near my bed. There was a loophole in
my dreaming, so I got out of it. And to my surprise my eyes were wide and
already open. Just my nightstand and my dresser where those nightmares had just
been. So I dressed myself and left them, out into the gray streets. But
everything seemed different and completely new to me. The sky, the trees,
houses, buildings, even my own body. And each person I encountered, I couldn't
wait to meet. and I came upon a doctor who appeared in quite poor health. I said "there is nothing that I can do for you that you can't do
for yourself." He said "Oh yes you can. Just hold my hand. I think that would
help." So I sat with him a while and then I asked him how he felt. He said, "I
think I'm cured. In fact, I'm sure. Thank you stranger, for your
therapeutic smile."

So that is how I learned the lesson that everyone is alone. And your eyes must
do some raining if you are ever going to grow. But when crying don't help and
you can't compose yourself. It is best to compose a poem, an honest verse of longing or a simple song of hope. That is why I'm singing... Baby don't worry cause now I
got your back. And every time you feel like crying, I'm gonna try and make you laugh. And if I can't, if it just hurts too bad, then we will wait for it to pass and I will keep you company through those days so long and black. And we'll just keep working on the problem we know we'll never solve of Love's uneven remainder, our lives are fractions of a whole. But if the world could remain within a frame like a painting on a wall. Then I think we would see the beauty then. We would stand staring in awe at our still lives posed like a bowl of oranges, like a story told by the fault lines and the soil.
Unknown "Knows how to..." Evasive - 17 years, 13 days ago

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You have been given the ultimate.
Crafted by Yoni
Unknown "Dark Darling" Feisty - 16 years, 2 months, 22 days ago
xxx AlPhA FeMaLe xxx
You have been given ♥Sweet... but twisted♥.
Crafted by heather
xxx AlPhA FeMaLe xxx "CheekY's D :)" leave me with lee! xxxxxx - 16 years, 2 months, 22 days ago
Lisa Tindal
cool tales
You have been given You're all thumbed up!.
Crafted by Unknown
Lisa Tindal "luscious lisa " ♥Hopelessl y In Love♥ - 16 years, 2 months, 26 days ago

You have been given ~Why Hello Sugar~.
Crafted by Lady Chandra
Jessie *uncertain* - 16 years, 2 months, 26 days ago
Alicia Charnstrom
thanks for the pet, feel free to come my way again sometime xx
You have been given kisses with love .
Crafted by Alicia Charnstrom
Alicia Charnstrom "..." loving Danny & Simon xxxxxxx - 16 years, 3 months, 10 days ago

You have been given Touch me....
Crafted by Inez
Janna "Fabulous ღ" - 16 years, 3 months, 11 days ago
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