So here is a little story to brighten everyones day. I decided to go on a road trip this weekend to drop a friend off with her bf. That part was fun, on the way back however My windshield wiper broke or came loose or something because it flipped toward my side mirror. to top this off I really needed that wiper because the highways were wet, I forgot to fuel up at the last big Town and so I had to drive slow meaning all the muck was on my windshield, Instead of stopping like a normal person I decided to try and push the wiper back onto the windshield with my snowbrush, in the process almost driving off the highway. So i finally did stop only to get stuck, realize I don't have my phone to call for help so I managed to push my car out myself by some miracle. so yeah that was my Road trip! (it took my mum 5 min to fix the wiper when i got home)
- 17 years, 13 days ago