Facebook is the best advertising there is, there are so many crappy businesses out there that when you see someone trustworthy working a business from home people need to hear about it. If you are interested check out my website... www.Automaticbuilder.com/ryanbauer If you have any questions please ask me, or if you want a business that will grow without any work at all then check out this one... www.myberrytree.com/bt66871
Unknown "Prince Charming" Inspired
- 17 years, 29 days ago
I get to go to the young adults retreat with my church, it's going to be an awesome tgime, please pray for me that God will really touch my life, thanks :)
Unknown "Prince Charming" Inspired
- 17 years, 29 days ago
God has blessed me with so much, I checked my balance today and realized I had no money, then I remmembered that I haven't asked my boss for a cheque in 3 weeks, and I haven't picked up my cheques from my agent, now I should have a cheque tomorrow and I'll have cheques on Monday, I'm all set :D
Unknown "Prince Charming" Inspired
- 17 years, 29 days ago
I hope you are having a really good day, I know I am. But then again, that's every day. you just have to understand that everything that happens to you is for a reason. If it is good, you deserved it, if it is bad you deserved it, now stop whining :P
Unknown "Prince Charming" Inspired
- 17 years, 29 days ago
I've decided to pretty much leave the movie industry. If I get called for a good show I'm all for it, and so is my new boos, but other than that I am not doing any of the little crappy stuff :(
Unknown "Prince Charming" Inspired
- 17 years, 29 days ago