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"Miss Bowvine"
"C.C. Vinca"
15000 pts
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Unknown's tales
I'm an un owned pet!?!?! I feel lost and alone in the world. lol....
Unknown "Miss Bowvine" Perplexed
- 16 years, 6 months, 26 days ago
Okay so here's the deal....I have to go to church for easter, I just found this out last night, I don't HAVE to go, but if I don't my mom will be let down, and I like to do things with my mom and to make her happy but...... I'm not a fan of organized religion! People going to church just for show and to let everybody know that they are a "believer" kind of gets under my skin. One of the greatest lessons that I pulled away from Sunday School was to love everyone for we are all made in God's image. Well if that's what "Christianity" is about, then there are lots of people who are big ol' Hippocrates! I mean seriously how can you preach this message of love and acceptance and we are all one, and you need to care for your neighbor, and yet they can file down groups of people and say...."You are going to hell, because you are this way." Like my friend Ray-Ray, she was pregnant with a little baby girl, and lost the baby. The church came in and basically told her that the baby was going to hell because (and here's the kicker) the baby was not baptized. They said that the baby inherited the mothers sins, and not being cleansed by water blessed by some pedophile in a robe forced the baby into eternal damnation. Now tell me that God is going to damn a little unborn child to hell? I was told growing up that that baby would be saved and go to heaven, but here we come into conflict with the whole this church believes this thing and this believes that. The bible, if you ask me, is a work of fiction. Granted it's got some great ideas and a wonderful "outline" on how you should live your life....but it's all up to interpretation! I consider myself spiritual, but not a Christian. I don't want to deny other religions their beliefs. Christianity is one of the few religions that says, hey if you don't believe in what we believe, then you should just board the train to hell....where other religions are like hey, they believe in something, good on them! Props guys! (or so I've been lead to believe) I'm not knocking anybodies religion, I'm an simply stating what I feel. From my experiences....So as you can tell I am a little less than excited about going to church!
Unknown "Miss Bowvine" Perplexed
- 17 years, 12 days ago
When you need me but do not want me, then i must stay. But when you want me but do not need me, then I must go. It's 7:oo in the morning and I just got done watching Nanny McPhee, I am thinking it is time for me to go to bed, but the two cups of Iced Tea are keeping me up. I have to work tonight so i am trying to stay up. But alas I am exhausted!
Unknown "Miss Bowvine" Perplexed
- 17 years, 17 days ago
For those retro mod folk out there, you can buy some of the greatest gifts Human Pets has to offer....at My store....lmao...I sound like a stupid infomercial...lmao...Bored at work, should be doing some vinyl, but i'm done with that for a little while, i'm starving so I think i am going to pop on down to the gas station and grab a snager, chips, and a soda er something, Im really sick of drinking diet pepsi max, i've been nursing the same one all day....rawr...I'm tired...
Unknown "Miss Bowvine" Perplexed
- 17 years, 2 months, 12 days ago
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