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Unknown's tales
damn those shrooms were good
Unknown "gevaarlik" Neglected - 16 years, 8 months, 21 days ago
i was walking through the green forest and stumbled upon a red tree. i thought this was rather odd because i was in the green forest not the red forest which was 4 miles down the rainbow highway. i decided to investigate this strange happening and found myself at the door of greg the knome he invited me in for crumpets and tea so i joined him in his small home. over tea and crumpets we spoke of the random red tree in the middle of the green forest. he told me that he had earlier seen some red town dudes in the green market selling red tobacco and red mushrooms and that he had seen me buying some and that must be the reason why i saw the red tree infact he said that this must also be the reason why i was conversating with a garden knomb in the neighbours backyard
Unknown "gevaarlik" Neglected - 16 years, 8 months, 21 days ago
yo shunshine, it aint walk hard no more ...its walkbeat..and the shun is shining
Unknown "gevaarlik" Neglected - 16 years, 9 months, 8 days ago
I woke up to a noise coming from the kitchen, i called my dog, Annie, to asked her what was going on and she said aliens have invaded and that they were killing humans and using the bodies as a disguise to fool other humans into coming with them but the only difference from the real humans and the alien humans was that the aliens only had 3 fingers per hand as apposed to the 5 fingers humans had (how my dog knew all this i do not know). Annie told me that we needed to find a hiding place so I followed her. She brought me to a water fall and I asked how we were to hide there and without a word she jumped into the waterfall and disappeared behind the wall of water, with plenty of doubt in my mind, i followed. Once behind the waterfall I discovered a strange but beautiful city which seemed to be built intirely of dog bones. Annie then informed me that this was the lost K-9 city of Atlantica and that she and her other fellow dog-friends had no other choice but to bring their owners here to keep safe. As i looked around I saw my cousin, Ziggy, and his dogs, Marley and Mica, who happend to be the king and princess of the lost city. I walked over to speak with Marley but was interuppted by Mica jumping up on me, she told me that the kingdom was preparing for war against the alien invaders and that Marley had no time to talk to me. I asked her if there were any way to see what was going on outside where the aliens were and she brought me to a small area within the giant bone castle and motioned towards a lookout hole. I peered out the hole to see aliens causing damage and distruction to all of my town. I think one may have caught my gaze because it pointed in my directions and alien troops started towards me, I warned Mica and she quickly ran off to warn Marley. After recieving word of the oncoming alien forces Marley prepared his K-9 troops for battle and they all marched to the secret exit through the back of the kingdom....and then I woke up.
Unknown "gevaarlik" Neglected - 16 years, 9 months, 26 days ago

that story is conclusive proof that you are losing touch with reality.
good short read though.
Unknown "James ♥" Frisky - 16 years, 9 months, 20 days ago

Thx for buying


You were taken on a trip! You have trained as a ninja.
Mike "King" Rabid - 16 years, 9 months, 26 days ago

You have been fed rawfish.
Unknown "nunu" Perplexed - 16 years, 9 months, 27 days ago
hey, thanks for the pet, u need some comments so we can thumb u and get u points
Unknown "Mr. Love" Content - 16 years, 10 months, 2 days ago
love the pics
Unknown "James ♥" Frisky - 16 years, 10 months, 3 days ago
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