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"My moon! "

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Might, 4/23/2008
I do not care about fretful things that crawl up my spine, for I am mighty.
How my world burns? Nevertheless, it is filled with shades of gray, so splendid I find myself upon this sphere.
I am serene without knowledge. I am perfect in failure. I am enlightened in starring off into the realms of great dreaming.
Striking my body in temperance tells me the woes of my opponents. Note that I am an empath already. That is why this is temperance. Therefore we all grow into greatness, towards that point of the end.
The ultimate is unforgiving. And, is as pretentious as the next god that comes into being! I shall show him the absolute which he already knows, as the absolute was his offspring. What a bother this is to reflect the eternal majesty. When all is said and done, the ultimate is born, don’t you know that?
In any since, it bringing myself that pain, and coming to terms with its nature, I grabbed the absolute. I proclaim, such strength that I have found! In a single moment the absolute brought me vengeance. It was a laugh I found not funny. Humor is the human karma. I was not human in that moment. But, when I tightened my grasp from this form, I got the joke, and grinned.
There was a whisper in my heart. It was an uncertainty, like a gap beyond the abyss. So tempted was I to fill it, I dropped the absolute I that moment. I was yet the master, so I called upon him. In doing so, he mocked me, picking up where I left off, and laughed at me a bit more. This was not the master, but his offspring. The offspring had taken of the image of the grand capacity.
The offspring was just starring at me. I knew who it was, yet lacked a name for the face. This was the being that sent me on the bastard mission; it was the center, so far from what the others presumed to be its home. Just how many forms had it taken? I just starred back. This was the meaning of the gods. Some simple cycle, and now it was starring me down as it always does. I care for this dimension - that is how it seems me.

Unknown "My moon! " Adored - 16 years, 10 months, 21 days ago
By the Design of Time, 4/5/2008
By the design of time I am called by a name that is untrue to myself, but still my own. It makes me wonder if I am known by those who call to me. But, I also wonder if knowledge of me is really knowing me as well. So, I resign my curriosity.
I was summoned by the Days, who candied an assignment, as I have so been seeking one. They made it sound as if they were going to do me a favor, and all I had to do was play along. Well, we will see what becomes of it, by the design of time.
Hah, I just realized something funny; my part takes place at night. I wonder what principle the Days claim when the world turns to darkness? Oh well, that is what my kind was here to regulate. But, not so much anymore! By the design of time, I feel my order is set free of its duties, but only to receive new ones. Maybe that is why I like the dark so much.
I do not have some jerk from another order of sonship breathing down my neck, or a spirit classed creature pretending it has some idea of what is going on and claiming the rights of the Supreme, when I am sent to a world deemed distraught. But, back in the realms of fantastical creation in lack of an evolved mind, I am just a bitch again.
If all works out for me I will have what I need to assume the magnificence of at least one constellation.

Unknown "My moon! " Adored - 16 years, 10 months, 21 days ago
Live like a Bulbasaur, 3/30/2008

The bulb on the back of Bulbasaur holds all the potential of children’s dreams.

Before the bulb sprouts only Professor Oak knows what, Bulbasaur could grow a sword and become a knight Pokemon, or a hose to make an excellent fire-mon!

Bulbasaur basks in fields, dreaming of the future, while enjoying the clouds and pretending the shapes form Charizards to be slain.

As Bulbasaur walks in the night, the bulb on his back grows into tomorrow.

Live like a Bulbasaur.
Unknown "My moon! " Adored - 16 years, 10 months, 21 days ago
But do I seek? 3/7/2008
The fool reached the cliff only to daydream of the beyond.

I have climbed the mountain and found no reward.
How else might I had known, having not yet climbed the mountain?

Well, I am pissed off.
There is little I can do about it.
So, I yell into the air inside my mind.

It has been raining lately.
I think that makes me happy.
And, yet, I have only the falling sky to keep me company.
That makes me wonder what to think or if I should feel.

Tomorrow is not yet here.
Yet I yearn for it to be here now.
I know I am not without purpose, but cannot help but wonder if that purpose is being barred.
Is there some malfunctioning creature that would do such a thing, somewhere, perhaps beneath me?
Are they within my grasp to crush?
Or, are these things disguised somewhere in my thoughts, keeping the earth from turning?

To war I no more go.
I grew bored with it lifetimes ago.
It puts me beside myself to be sad in this.
That I should mourn the passing of things that no longer entertain me, and people that I no more am, are things I find to be curious.
Curious because I ever was them, and somehow am not now.
Perhaps I have been defining myself by myself, for the world is the world, and thus it self, rather than defined undefined.
And, this does not concern me.

The rain begins to taste strange.
The angel to my right somehow manages to confuse me.
I thought I knew the beings of ethereal phase, but do not as well as I had hoped.
As the sky drops more and more of its essence into the land I stand I can go no deeper although sky's drops can where I cannot.
I look back across the abyss, and seem to have forgotten as to how I reached the cliff.
I believe I climbed the mountain.
However, the mountain is no more.
Where is this rain coming from?

How can I know there is a sky to fall on me?
I find it is in the weeping of the gods that they bleed out the rest of their wives.
Back down to the earth, and its sea I find the goddesses of the olden days.
Back when animals were gods, and the goddesses joined them, there was no need for rain.
This is because there was no earth, only a sky.
But, when there was quarrel, the sky cast out the goddesses and the oceans were formed.
It was only much later that the earth was formed in the universe to float upon the seas.
That is how I know there is a sky.
For it is in me, we all come from the sky above us.

I am not sure if I truly stand beneath the sky, just because the sky is above me.
I believe I am better than the sky and the pretentious gods within it.
I value the oceans, but only for their beauty.
Yet, hear I am, at the top of mountain that no longer exists, thinking and thinking of the world before me, as if it somehow exists where the mountain no longer does.
These things are of matter to be, because I have taken them into me.
However, they and I are of separate designs.
Could it be that I am me and the me I have made?
Where then is the world that made me, or from which I have fashioned myself from?
Am I not the world?
Oh, I have found it.

Unknown "My moon! " Adored - 16 years, 10 months, 21 days ago
My Other Aspect, 3/2/2008
Behold the gullible design of serenity.
The children of the abyss now live as a fluttering memory.
Instead it is their offspring that merely pretend to live.
But, if I too equate myself with this denial of oblivion, I too can become of the lived.

As the ghost of a suicidal god, the sea of reason seems to beget new wounds.
Yet, I wake to see an image of myself.
Is it my self that I see, or his?

Beyond the denied shores is another reality you see.
Although these are not without blood, they are without blessing.

So off to no more, to no more we go.

Unknown "My moon! " Adored - 16 years, 10 months, 21 days ago
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I've been packing!.. fun!

I move in 23 days :]
Unknown "Done with this" Hopeless - 16 years, 8 months, 18 days ago
*kisses cheek*

I hope you're doing alright! :]
Unknown "Done with this" Hopeless - 16 years, 8 months, 18 days ago

You have been given Just looking at your profile.
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jacinda Curious - 16 years, 10 months, 7 days ago
*smiles* Thankyou. hehe
You have been given Hug me? :].
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Unknown "Done with this" Hopeless - 16 years, 10 months, 20 days ago
hehe :] *hug*
You have been given Lets rave!.
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Unknown "Done with this" Hopeless - 16 years, 10 months, 20 days ago
Don't worry about anything, love.

You have been given I'm Bored.......
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Unknown "Done with this" Hopeless - 16 years, 10 months, 21 days ago
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