But do I seek? 3/7/2008
The fool reached the cliff only to daydream of the beyond.
I have climbed the mountain and found no reward.
How else might I had known, having not yet climbed the mountain?
Well, I am pissed off.
There is little I can do about it.
So, I yell into the air inside my mind.
It has been raining lately.
I think that makes me happy.
And, yet, I have only the falling sky to keep me company.
That makes me wonder what to think or if I should feel.
Tomorrow is not yet here.
Yet I yearn for it to be here now.
I know I am not without purpose, but cannot help but wonder if that purpose is being barred.
Is there some malfunctioning creature that would do such a thing, somewhere, perhaps beneath me?
Are they within my grasp to crush?
Or, are these things disguised somewhere in my thoughts, keeping the earth from turning?
To war I no more go.
I grew bored with it lifetimes ago.
It puts me beside myself to be sad in this.
That I should mourn the passing of things that no longer entertain me, and people that I no more am, are things I find to be curious.
Curious because I ever was them, and somehow am not now.
Perhaps I have been defining myself by myself, for the world is the world, and thus it self, rather than defined undefined.
And, this does not concern me.
The rain begins to taste strange.
The angel to my right somehow manages to confuse me.
I thought I knew the beings of ethereal phase, but do not as well as I had hoped.
As the sky drops more and more of its essence into the land I stand I can go no deeper although sky's drops can where I cannot.
I look back across the abyss, and seem to have forgotten as to how I reached the cliff.
I believe I climbed the mountain.
However, the mountain is no more.
Where is this rain coming from?
How can I know there is a sky to fall on me?
I find it is in the weeping of the gods that they bleed out the rest of their wives.
Back down to the earth, and its sea I find the goddesses of the olden days.
Back when animals were gods, and the goddesses joined them, there was no need for rain.
This is because there was no earth, only a sky.
But, when there was quarrel, the sky cast out the goddesses and the oceans were formed.
It was only much later that the earth was formed in the universe to float upon the seas.
That is how I know there is a sky.
For it is in me, we all come from the sky above us.
I am not sure if I truly stand beneath the sky, just because the sky is above me.
I believe I am better than the sky and the pretentious gods within it.
I value the oceans, but only for their beauty.
Yet, hear I am, at the top of mountain that no longer exists, thinking and thinking of the world before me, as if it somehow exists where the mountain no longer does.
These things are of matter to be, because I have taken them into me.
However, they and I are of separate designs.
Could it be that I am me and the me I have made?
Where then is the world that made me, or from which I have fashioned myself from?
Am I not the world?
Oh, I have found it.
Unknown "My moon! " Adored
- 16 years, 10 months, 21 days ago