What the heck? Just when you think its safe to walk into a bar... Bam, reality of what the lies you told yourself were, and the stupid realization that things can't be fixed. You're too broken. That is to say, me, I am, Nick is too gaddamn broken to ever make things right. Fuck, thats why I drink. Oh well. By the by. My newest owner seems pretty cool, from the short conversation we had the other night. Pretty girls with sexy brains! Damn me for being a fool, huh! VG
Unknown "Nick-aroo" Uncertain
- 16 years, 11 months, 13 days ago
So...Tonight I went to the "Three Lyons". The newest and greatest most absolutely wonderful pub. An English pub, and those of you who know me say "But Nick, you're a Republican and hate the English." Well, truth be told, I don't. How could I? The Clash, the Who, The Stones...Need I say more. Anywho. Great little place (even though its bigger than any other pub I've been in). The funny thing is, the staff was all wearing kilts, the etched glass by the door advertised Jameson and Red Breast, and the music was the fantastic Poiteen (an Irish band from Fargo) and the music between sets was Irish. Anywho. I'm sure I'll drink there again. I know all the waitstaff, and they've got great beer on tap. So....Bukowski, anyone? VG
Unknown "Nick-aroo" Uncertain
- 16 years, 11 months, 14 days ago