
Name: |
Kelly L McCarthy, 35/Male
Last login: | over 3 weeks ago |
Local time: | 10:11 AM |
Join date: | 17 years, 4 months, 12 days ago |
Location: | Whitby, Ontario Canada
About me:
My Name is Kelly McCarthy I'm your average guy who chills at home and plays games, Paint ball, go out chilling with bro and chill with all my palls(you know who you are). When I Am not chilling with my friends I'm programing or adding programs to my database. I can get anyone anything and all my friends are safe from most viral and Trojan attacks. And if anyone do get in trouble with a virus come talk to me i fix it for you :D. Also I don't have allot of pictures of me because I never understood the significance of taking pictures of yourself....I work on getting more :) I star my college years now, learning Computer Systems Technology :D ya computers, networking, programing, hardware, software, electronics. Everything all in one. I am interested in spreading all the information I know (and more) all the programs I have (and more) all the data and files I have (and much much more) and give it all to the whole world! Because information is free and should be accessible by anyone and everyone at any time anywhere. This is a Utopia we will most likely never live to see, because we will always be surrounded by profiteering gluttons who will continue to leach us for every little penny we have for information that can be replicated endlessly. We have to hide behind lies and bending of the rules. Sharing files instead of just being able to download them.. You are able to upload the music and stick it on a web page to listen to.. You just are unable to download them. One day storage devices will be infinitely larger then we can imagine, data and graphics and processor engineering will take a turn. We will all have access to what we used to consider supper computers, most likely the size of your palm. If you were to ask about me, I would tell you I am one of many people pursuing the upgrading and maintaining of this futuristic technology. So one day around the corner,years from now... This Utopia that today we see so so far away.... Will be realized, become a reality, then become the norm :).
About you:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Feel Free To Join My Heard!! The Uber Haxors... Only if you are interested in programing, cracking, phreaking or anything you want to know about technology or computers and what what we do ;) Its there.... ;)And don't touch my pets! I can be a vengeful person and I can be as nice to you as I can be mean.. so dont mess with my friends, pets or family and were all good :D Feel free... To pet me or message me :D I am a really nice guy and I enjoy meeting, helping, and getting to know people :D I take it as if your interested in me I am interested in you :) if you want to know more about me I wont deny you that ;) everything I know is everything you know :D looking forward to getting to know you ;)
Looking for: | Friendship and dating |
Orientation: | Straight
| Herds (lead): | Uber Haxor Faction, REPO ARMY | Herds: | Shadow Wolf Pack, We Love Weed!!, VIP - Very Important Pets, 300, ☆____Stoners Unite_____☆, HPs Most Wanted, test, Club Yuriel, Brooke's Herd!, The Dark Empire, GÂÜ®ÐÏÂÑ ÂÑGĩ€£§, Misty's Thumbs, $$THE$BANK$MACHINE$$, www.ilovegifs.com, Kanz's thumby, Dan's Herd, AuroraePet Nebula, Millionaires club, just me, Kel's Needin points bad $$, Fans of HP, Official HP Wiki Discussion, Petition for Davina, Free Love, ...., Have You, ☠UNBAN REPO☠ |
"♥HP Goddess♥"
5000000 pts
100000 pts
"♥Deevine Angel"
40000 pts
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Kelly's tales
I going to make a little list of funny things :D I will add to it as time goes on :D Here are some funny stuff here Mix a bit of "I was so freaking HI!! :D" and some "I dunno what the hell I was doing" and you get what happened!! :D Quote world war 2 history (Encyclopedia Dramatica) ""The Russians drank as much vodka as they could and rose up above the ashes of stalingrad and shouted, "IN SOVIET RUSSIA, RUSSIA INVADE GERMANY!" and charged like the crazy drunken bastards that they are! Hitler was too busy masturbating to furry pr0n to notice that russia was kicking his ass so when his generals told him the conversation went something liek this; General: "Herr Hitler, the russians used a russian reversal and now WE are getting haxed!!! Hitler: General: ? Hitler: O RLY? General: YA RLY Hitler: NO WAI!!! "" ____________________________________ This is a regular convo I have with my brother.... .,-:'^.^':-Kelly-Cizin.,-:'^.^':-, says: I will check it for viruses at my school ;) Brother Tyriel says: Na man Brother Tyriel says: Its not a virus .,-:'^.^':-Kelly-Cizin.,-:'^.^':-, says: ok Brother Tyriel says: Its just Brother Tyriel says: its retarted Brother Tyriel says: lol .,-:'^.^':-Kelly-Cizin.,-:'^.^':-, says: ROFL .,-:'^.^':-Kelly-Cizin.,-:'^.^':-, says: scanend .,-:'^.^':-Kelly-Cizin.,-:'^.^':-, says: 1 problem found .,-:'^.^':-Kelly-Cizin.,-:'^.^':-, says: this file is retarted :D .,-:'^.^':-Kelly-Cizin.,-:'^.^':-, says: ROFL!!! :D Brother Tyriel says: lol Brother Tyriel says: LOL Brother Tyriel says: na man it sjust Brother Tyriel says: whenever i get it to download Brother Tyriel says: something happens Brother Tyriel says: and it f#cks up and then its f#cked up .,-:'^.^':-Kelly-Cizin.,-:'^.^':-, says: ROFL! Brother Tyriel says: Like Brother Tyriel says: I WANT THE DAMN THING TO WORK!! Brother Tyriel says: I WANNA PLAY IT Brother Tyriel says: AHHH!! ________________________ Hey Andrew............... :D ......Andrewwwww...... PUSSY CANCER!!
Kelly L McCarthy "•¤WOWZER¤•" Loyal
- 17 years, 2 months, 14 days ago
"HI! I AM Kelly McCarthy~!""Live your life like this and you get the greatest reward........ You get to be yourself" " " "" " Gone....... "
Kelly L McCarthy "•¤WOWZER¤•" Loyal
- 17 years, 2 months, 16 days ago
Here are some cool pics ;) Just thought I would post them here! :)
Kelly L McCarthy "•¤WOWZER¤•" Loyal
- 17 years, 2 months, 25 days ago
A Little More About Me. I came from a land where there was no race, religion, or believe, anything. Everyone was just whoever they wanted to be.... We were all free to share what we wanted, when we wanted, with who ever we wanted. All was good..... For a time... But because people are flawed and prone to there want of power they overthrow you and banish you from there sight and presence. I took what I knew and moved to a better place a more secure place where they will accept me... Because I am you... And you are me..... ..:D... :D And we can be whoever we want you be! :D ______________________________________________________________ :D I am a freelance hacker who hates the idea of being owned by anyone besides my one true love. I take nothing from no one unless there a friend and I know there joking :D I stand up for people who need to be stood up for especially if they cant defend themselves. I am loyal, honest and trustworthy :D I share with those who need it...... And I am not and never will ever be someone else's b!tch :D I Am Just As Free As You All Can Be :) _____________________________________________________________ I Like Music like Rock Metal Electronica Rave T echno Dance Hybrid Som e Rap Some Hip Hop
Kelly L McCarthy "•¤WOWZER¤•" Loyal
- 17 years, 3 months, 13 days ago
ROARRRRRR!!!!! :D CAN EVERYONE STOP CREEPING MY PROFILE!! OK I HAVE A PROGRAM THAT TELLS ME PEOPLE VIEW MY PROFILE BEYOND WHAT THAT HP ONE SHOWS CAUSE SO MANY PEOPLE CREEEEEEPPPPPOOONNNN MEEEE!!! Its really driving me crazy so... If you happen to come across my profile.. 1 time is ok but like over and over and over and stuff... Not cool. If you drop by leave a comment or thumb me LoL I will be happy to do it back to you ;) and would be happy to get to know you ;) thank you everyone happy creeping.... Somewhere else..... _______________________________________________________________________ < BR>There have been some big changes here on HP. I am happy I have been here long enough to see them. How this app evolved from a small time app to the largest sub network on face book!! :D such a task is not easly done. Although some might think Patrick did all this by himself the truth and fact of the matter is the reason this app has grown and thrived is because of people like you :D. Yup ;) People like you who use it :D and some of the people who use this app understand its about more then just points, its about more then items, and profiles, and thumbs. This app is about friendship :D and myself and others I know have met amazing people and made amazing friends here. And we want to protect that, preserve that and keep it for ever!! :D Its because of this that people like us have fought these wars, these fights to keep this place; this network of people sharing the same want, the same goals...... To make friends and be happy :D ..... Out of all the selfish, unfair, and cruel reasons that people fight these egotistical and unjust battles for...... To finally fight for something fair, and kind, and unworthy of destruction unlike so many other evil things I know that will continue to happen and continue to exist... I may have been wrong at first but now I know HP is one of the kindest places on earth :) and it will continue to exist.. :D as long as I am around ;)
Kelly L McCarthy "•¤WOWZER¤•" Loyal
- 17 years, 3 months, 14 days ago
The Haxor Vault
This is my stash of wicked awesome stuff! :D Enjoy ;)
Most recent customers:
The cocktail Queen🥂
"Deusa D'Souza"
2816056 pts
Long Live the American Avengers
LadY HeatheN
83917695 pts
"Llama King 🦙"
3646519 pts
Happy Halloween
140 pts
Noita-Kallio ROCK
"My dark queen"
666666 pts
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