To freeze time They barely know each other
But on first glance at him
Before they even spoke
Two words to each other,
She knew she wanted to be his
And she knew
If he didn't want her now
Then she's wait for him
She finds him enchanting
Elegant and sophisticated
Somewhat adorable
Yet very sexy
She likes to stand and kiss him
Lean in on her toes
Tilt up her head
And close her eyes
Then afterwards
She likes to stare into his eyes
Get lost in them.
She can't get over how mesmerizing they are
With blue rings around them
And if she looks for it
She can see straight down to his heart
She tries to imagine
Exactly what it is
That he is thinking
And she ponders on how
Fortunate she is
To have this man embracing her
Their skin touching one another
She finds herself daydreaming
On what it would be like
If for an instant in time,
They became one
If they stripped down to nothing
And he slipped himself inside of her
But then he speaks
And breaks the naughty thoughts
From her head
He says how beautiful she is
But not just in the whole
The individual parts too
Her back
Her hands
Her eyes
She thinks that
He likes the oddest things
About her
And now she lays
With her head on his chest
Listening to the rhythm of his heart beat
Feeling the breath coming
In and out of him
As he carresses her back
Fingers rolling
Up and down her Spine
And she is in heaven
Because just the way
She feels about him,
He feels about her
And that is exactly how
She always wanted to feel
It is a shame that I can't freeze time
For them
So that the feeling never changed
I wish I could freeze time for them
So that she'd always feel the same....
Unknown "my beauty" Ecstatic
- 16 years, 11 months, 27 days ago